Friends Protect

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They stood clinging onto each other for about 5 minutes, the rain still pouring down in the open door, occasional splashes coming into the house, finally Mycroft stepped away from Greg he put he hands around Greg's face so Greg had to look up directly at him. Greg shivered from the cold rain, he evidently been walking around in for hours, he looked drained physically and emotionally, the way he clung onto Mycroft, looking up at him was like if he let go he'd die, Mycroft was all that was keeping him on his feet, but really Mycroft was the one who'd caused him all this too. Still holding Greg's face in his hands, Mycroft kissed his forehead, "let's go inside" Mycroft said in the softest voice he'd ever spoken in. He lent behind Greg to push the door shut but he couldn't lock it, he didn't care. He kept his arm tightly around Greg and took him into the living room and sat down with him on the sofa. He had a dark blue throw blanket draped behind the sofa and he picked it up and wrapped it around Greg and gave him another hug he couldn't help it. Then their foreheads touched as they lent into each other and they stayed in that position "I still have so much to figure out right now" Greg said and Mycroft squeezed him "I know" he said "but I want to be with you" Greg said "I can't believe it but I really do" he said and Mycroft smiled then Mycroft lifted his head up and rested his chin on the top of Greg's head "well then I'll always be there with you" Mycroft said and Greg smiled. They stayed in that position for a while, not wanting to speak, not wanting to move, not wanting to be apart from each other.
It was now 23:03 and Greg had started to fall asleep still hugging onto Mycroft. Silently and skilfully Mycroft turned off the TV that was still muted and he gently lay down on his back keeping Greg on top of him like Greg was his blanket. Mycroft watched as his breath made Greg's head move up and down and Greg clung onto the blue blanket that was still wrapped around him. The rain was lighter now and it patted down against the giant living room window and before he knew it Mycroft was asleep too.

It was about 12 o'clock the next morning and Sherlock walked up his older brothers huge driveway he'd come to deliver the papers he'd sent Mycroft a voicemail about the day before. The sun was out and the air smelled sweet, it always did after a day of rain as it bought out the plants and made grass greener. He loved this new case he had, it was weird and he loved weird, he wanted everyone he knew to know all about the case, he was going to make sure John wrote a good blog about it and he was honestly excited to show Mycroft everything. He walked up to his older brothers huge front door and was about to knock when he noticed, it wasn't locked 'hmmm' he pondered. Had he been broken into? Mycroft would absolutely never allow himself to forget to lock his door, he was a very careful man. Sherlock peered through the lock everything looked normal, there was an knight in armour stood on one side and old portraits still hung on the walls. Sherlock pressed the door open completely silently which he was very good at doing and walked in taking notice of everything. The floor had specks all over, they were rain drops they hadn't been mopped up so had dried into the wooden floor Sherlock observed and it was evident someone had walked into the house with wet shoes, Sherlock couldn't see footprints but the weird mess on wood told him it had to be. 'An intruder could've come in and kidnapped Mycroft' Sherlock thought. He made his way completely in silence down the corridor when he heard breathing coming from the living room. Sherlock stopped and listened from the other side of the door, when he heard two different breathing patterns. That was it his curiosity was too much and he pushed open the door to see Mycroft fast asleep and someone sleeping with him. He couldn't see who though as they had a blue blanket covering them. 'Oh my god' Sherlock thought 'this was amazing, something else he could tease his brother about. Cautiously he walked around the back of the sofa. He wondered whether it was a man or woman, he knew Mycroft had a boyfriend once in university but Mycroft ended that relationship. Sherlock didn't know anybody else Mycroft had been with although he has may times thought Mycroft and Lady Smallwood were an item, in fact that's why he thought Mycroft had invited her to the party with him, but evidently not. Whoever this was sleeping with Mycroft was too big to be Lady Smallwood, Sherlock deduced it had to be a man. As absolutely carefully as he could he peered round to the front of the sofa to see the mystery person's face, they had there head turned sideways on Mycroft's chest and were facing away from where Sherlock was stood. Peering round Sherlock saw they had messy grey hair he observed it wasn't normally too messy though it was reminding him more and more of... Sherlock saw the face.... Lestrade.

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