Chapter Twenty Two: Tequila

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Hayes sat on the bed with me and I kept thinking about Callie. How could she be ten one minute and fifteen the next? Jc looked at me and once again I look like crap, I meet another one of my idols and I look like crap. A nurse walked in and asked me if I was okay.

"Well, your sugar levels are going down, which is good and your blood pressure is good, we might actually be releasing you soon." She said and she noticed that I was still bundled up. She tucked me in and made sure that I had enough water.

A while later, I was released from the hospital and Hayes carried me to the car.

"Hayes, why are you carrying me?" He asked me while I fixed my shirt so the bump was less noticeable.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He replied as he got in the car and headed back to Angel's. Nash and Angel were passed out on the couch, well they were until we came through the door.

"I have an idea, maybe we should prank them." I whisper and Hayes agrees.

"We have to sneak down stairs and prepare for the plan." He whispered and I tip toed down stairs with him following me.

"Ok, so what's the plan?" I asked and he looked at my stomach.

"We should have you go into labor." He said and I  disagreed to that.

"It seems like a bad plan because one, I'm not that huge- am I? And two, how are we supposed to do that?" I said and he thought for a moment.

"No your not huge and I don't know, it was just an idea." He replied.

"We should have the baby involved somehow." He said as he interrupted my thinking.

"You should have the baby though, it would trick Nash and Angel." I shook my head.

"I don't want to do that because what if one day I go into labor and they don't believe that I am?" I said and he agreed with me on that.

"Why don't we just wait to do a prank?" I said and he thought of an idea.

"What if-" he was interrupted by somebody knocking on the door. It was Gilinsky. I opened the door and we carefully walked down the steps and went to the kitchen.

"What?" I asked him with a peeved tone.

"How are you?" He asked me and looked at my stomach.

"Tired, sick, nauseous, confused, upset." I listed and he looked at me and I blankly looked back. Somebody knocked on the door again and this time when I answered it, it was Madison. I let her in and she followed me down to the kitchen. I barely made it down the last step and my stomach turned, I grunted and Gilinsky pulled me up, I couldn't breath and I began to be pulled back with Callie. I tried to stop it from happening and Madison smiled and tried to look like she was going to help me.

"Hayes." I whispered before passing out.

I was back with Callie, she was still on the floor holding her ankle. 

"Mom?" She said and I almost fell trying to get to her.

"It's okay, I'm here." I said and Hayes turned around and looked at me.

"Alexis?" He asked and reached for my hand. His hand touched mine and Callie noticed that they could see me. Jack looked at my stomach and noticed that I was still pregnant.

"How is that possible? You had Callie." He said and Madison approached me again.

"Well, she's from the past. So if past Alexis is killed, that must mean that future is too." She said and she pointed a gun at me.

"No, Hayes stop her. Hayes, she wants to kill me." I screamed and he stared at me. Callie looked at me and Madison fired the gun, but it didn't hit me. It hit Callie, she had jumped in front of me at the last minute. She fell to the floor and I broke down into tears, I looked at her and she started to fade, everything did.

"No, no! I can't go back yet! What about Callie?!" I screamed and she looked at me, she pointed to my stomach and I tried to help her but it faded.

A second later, I was back with Hayes, Madison, and Jack. I woke up in a chair and Madison had a cup of water in her hand. She placed it on the table and told me to drink it, I did as she said and it had an awful taste.

"What is this?" I asked her.

"Water, with a splash of tequila." She said and I tried to spit it out.

"Are you insane?! Alcohol will hurt the baby!" I screamed at her and I went to punch her but I could feel that the baby wasn't okay.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked her and she pointed upstairs.

"He's with Jack and Nash, don't worry, I told them that I would watch you, but now I'm done." She said and sneered. She walked up the stairs and smiled at me.

"Bye, good luck with the baby." She said as I coughed. I tried to follow her but I fell to the ground and I decided to crawl when she left. I managed to make it to the stairs and it was hard to climb so I used the rails.

"Hayes!" I screamed and nothing happened. I screamed again and again, still nothing.

  "Hayes!" I tried one last time and finally he came, just when I got up and tried to walk but I fell down the stairs, he ran down the stairs and he looked at my head and my stomach.

"What took you so long?" I asked him and I coughed.

"Why does your breath smell like tequila? You know that alcohol is bad for the baby." He asked and I looked at the baby.

"It was Madison. She gave me a cup of water and it had tequila in it. I told you that she wants to hurt the baby." I said and I grunted.

  "I'm going to call Cameron and Matt." He said and he dialed their numbers. He tried to get me up but I only fell. He put his arm under my side and we walked up the stairs. We made it up the stairs and we walked to the guys.

"Angel, I need a cup of water and a wet towel." He said and Angel ran and got them. He laid me on the bed and made me drink the water.

"Here, this will hopefully get the tequila out." He said as I drank the water.

"What happened to her?" The guys asked me in unison.

"Madison. She mixed water with tequila and made me drink it." I said and tried to lay still so I wouldn't hurt the baby.

"Why would she do that?" Nash asked me.

  "She wants to ruin my life." I responded and I grunted. Somebody knocked on the door and Nash got it. The guys went into the man cave where we were and Matt looked at me and practically gagged from the smell, it smelled like tequila.

The way the wind blew me to you (Hayes Grier) (book one)Where stories live. Discover now