Chapter Six: Will Grier, Magcon, and the gold locket

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I'm so excited to go to Magcon with Hayes! Hopefully mom and dad will let me go. While I'm there, I want to go to the hospital and visit Tierra. And hopefully his fans will not, A. Try to kill me, and B. Hate me. Tierra never really was like a die hard, hard core fan of Hayes and the Magcon boys, but sometimes she did fangirl.

"Hayes, what will your fans think of me when they see us together?" He held my hand while we were sitting in the living room with Nash and Sky.

"We should post a vine and tell them that you're with me and that they shouldn't harm you." He grabbed his phone and went on vine, he began recording the vine.

"hey guys, gonna be at Magcon Saturday. Going to bring this beautiful girl named Alexis and I don't want you guys harming her. Thanks and love you all." Sky was sitting with Nash but got up and grabbed her dolls that were on the floor. She handed me one and began playing with them.

"Hey, I'll be right back. You good with her?" I nod and sit on the floor with Sky. We start playing,

"what's her name? Is her name Barbie?" She shook her head.

"No! That's Jenny. I don't like Barbie." Wow, I've never heard a little girl say that she doesn't like Barbie.

"Why don't you like Barbie?" She shrugged and continued to play. She was a sassy little girl, I like her attitude.

Hayes came back in the room with a box. I got up off the floor and sat next to him on the couch.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands." I did what he told me to do and let him drop the box in my hand.

"Okay, open your eyes." I opened them and saw a little blue box in my hand. I carefully open the box, it's a gold locket. I open it and it has a picture of Hayes and I picture of me with Evan and Tierra when we were at homecoming freshmen year. I smile and hold the locket in my hand as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Hayes, I love it. I love it so much. Thank you. Where did you get the picture of me, Evan, and Tierra?"

"Your mom gave it to me. I asked for a picture of you and she gave me that one." I wiped my cheeks. I continue to smile and move my hair so he could snap the locket. I hugged him and we sat together and watched Sky play.

"Want to watch a movie?" I nod and Sky sits next to Hayes.

"What do you want to watch?"

"It doesn't matter. Whatever you want to watch." He looked at a lot of movies before he found one, he picked The Fault in Our Stars. Hayes, Sky, and I laid together on the couch, but Sky ran into the other room and took her toys with her. We snuggled close to each other and he put his hands on my hips when I rested my head on his chest, He was so warm. We sat in the dark room and watched the movie. For once in awhile, it was quiet. Until a man came in the living room and turned the lights on.

"Hey Hayes, have you seen my- oh, I see you have company, who is this stunning young lady?" The man was tall and kind of bald. He seemed to be around 18 or 19.

"Will, this is my girlfriend, Alexis. Alexis, this is my other brother Will." I smile when Hayes calls me his girlfriend.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Alexis. I will let you get back to your... movie." I cuddle close to Hayes and we continue to watch the movie. I play with my locket and feel the engravings, the smooth and rough engravings. My fingers passed the part with my name. Hayes hugged my hips close to him.

"Why do you love me?" He looked down at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you love me?"

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