Chapter 7: crazed Magcon fan

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When I said that I wanted to be with Hayes forever, a fan came up to me.

"You really think that he will be with you forever?" She laughed and pulled a knife out of her pocket. She pulled me close to her face.

"How can he be with you if your dead?" She put the knife up to my stomach.

"Hayes, if you want her to live, break up with her, right here, in front of me, in front of your fans. Don't you love us more than her?" She took the knife and put it against my throat.

"Leave him out of this." I manage to say without gasping for breath. She pressed harder.

"Well, you see honey, he loves us more. He's known us longer." I roll my eyes. Hayes and Nash look at each other and slowly come towards the fan and I. Hayes looked at me and slowly nodded. He was assuring that I would be okay.

"Ok, put the knife down okay? Just put it down." She pressed harder.

"Break up with her." He shook his head.

"Hayes, forever. I will love you forev-" she pressed hard and I can't breath. I can feel my face getting red. I put my hands on the blade and pushed away from it. I could feel blood trickle down my throat. It wasn't a lot but enough to make me worry.

"Hayes, remember when Nash and I were fighting? Well, we weren't fighting about Nash hating me, we were fighting about self defense." Hayes looked at me and I winked. Then Nash chimed in,

"yeah, I don't hate you Lexi. I just don't want you to hurt him while your practicing." He looks at me and slowly nods. I pull the knife away from my neck and elbow her in the throat causing her to stumble. Hayes tried to grab her but she ran to me and barley slit my wrist. I grabbed her by the hand and tackled her to the floor. I pressed her face against the floor, and flipped my hair.

"If you ever go after me or anybody, I will come after you. Hear me?!" She nodded and tried to get up but only failed.

"Hayes call security, she won't be a problem anymore." He ran to the security guard and he took her away. I looked down at my wrist, it was covered in blood. Hayes ran to me and picked me up off the ground and hugged me. He noticed my wrist and took my hand and took me to his mom.

"Mom, she's bleeding really bad. We should take her to the hospital."

Hayes, his mom, and I got into the car. Hayes grabbed some napkins and tried to stop the bleeding. He tried to apply pressure to the cut but I squirmed and squealed every time. The pain was getting to me, I started shaking and Hayes pulled me close to him.

"Mom, hurry!" She looked in the mirror, she noticed that I was shaking and she drove a little faster.

"Hayes." He looked at me and told me to put my head on his chest. I did and I laid down on the seat. He played with my curls and looked at every blue strand. I was shaking more, he took his jacket off and put it on me. I just thought, what if I don't make it, what if we don't get there in time, what if I die.

Finally the car stopped. She got out of the car opened the door for Hayes. He picked me up and he ran into the hospital doors, Hayes mom was right behind him.

"She needs help, right away!" The nurse took me and she took me to a doctor.

"Can you hear me?" He looked at me and I nodded. He began wrapping my wrist and started to put medicine on my throat.

The doctor finally finished wrapping my cuts, he put me in a room. My wrist was still shaking but not like before and it hurt to swallow. I hadn't even tried to talk yet, I wonder where Hayes is. I sat in the bed, I am so bored. I wish Hayes were here. Then, he came bursting through the door, or at least I think it's him, he has a boutique of roses in his hand. He put them on the table and looked at me with a huge smile on his face. He gently hugged me and tried to kiss me.

"H-" he looked confused. My voice is raspy. I look for a piece of paper, and find one and grab a pen. I write,

"hi, sorry, my voice must be messed up." He read it and smiled.

"I'm so glad your okay." I smile and suddenly realize that my lockets gone. I quickly write.

"Hayes, it's gone! My locket! It's gone!" He looks all around the room and touches my purse.

"Maybe it's in here?" He brings me my purse and I tear it apart until I finally find it. I sigh but cough be cause of the pain. He took the locket and put it around my neck. I smile and he kisses me but was very gentle so he wouldn't hurt me.

The way the wind blew me to you (Hayes Grier) (book one)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें