Can I Be Your Daddy? Part 5 - Mr. Brightside 🌝🌚🌞

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"HmHmmg" Daddy D moAned.He had just receved another piece of mail asking him topay child support.
"IT ISNT EVEN MUNE!!'!!" Daddy Devito snarled, ever since sexy v went bye bye Daddy became it's daddy. Daddy D. Was happÿ at first ofc, but Andrea still didn't want him that golddigger'! She named the child Chrispian Edwin Vegan... not DeVito 😞😢

Daddy D was more than depressed by this after aSsuming the role of daddy 🥴all he wanted was Andrea's luvin',

yet it seemed that she did not want his magnum Cheeto. BUT THEN,...,.. Daddy D. Had a simply delicious devilish plan ;))))))) Andrea now lived in a fancy pants palace with Chrispian and Dr.Ed... daddy DeVito was still stationed at the homeless shelter :/ Soon Daddy D would ride down the mountain on his bright yellow Chevrolet Silverado named *Pussy Wagon", but it was out of gas so he had the rats pull him. Then... he would take down Ed and become THE Daddy once and for all!!¡!

Daddy D. Smiled at the thought of his plan as he fell asleep a top his bed of cockroaches and crumbs 😌

To Be continued...

Can I be your daddy? Daddy DeVito (smut)🤤💦🍆🍑🤰Where stories live. Discover now