Chapter 33: The Hyods

Start from the beginning

"Shark, we are trying to get home, not try to end discrimination," articulated Troy making sure his eyes did not meet Chi-taki's.

"Thank you Shark for all you have said, however Troy is correct. The two of you have to focus on getting home."

Troy walked up to Chi-taki and sat down next to him. He was not cold and heartless like his words made him out to be.

"I want to help too or find a way so we can tackle it all, but that might be impossible for the three of us to do on our own."

Troy needed Shark to listen to his words and understand that for two strangers to make a difference would be difficult without being targeted; like they were from the moment they arrived on Axial.

"Please go on with your narrative Chi-taki," said Shark, clearly ignoring Troy.

"The Hyods through secret messengers invite young warriors to Apprentice Hall, an extraordinary place where they can enhance their skills and abilities under the training of Othyrus Castle Warriors."

"Some are even able to ascend to the Othyrus Castle after the four-year semester, but only the ones who are judged to be in position of great strength and heart."

"That's great so what are the names of the Hyods?" asked Troy.

If some factor prevented this noble lord from helping them then at least, he and Shark could track down these great leaders with a name.

Chi-taki started to describe the Hyods in detail. He began with the Hyod of Wind.

"He controls the four winds of the world and uses them to aid him in the battle against the Messiah of Darkness. His long silver hair, his robe and paleness demonstrate wisdom."

"He is the most adored of the Hyods and most friendly towards Morphmals like myself," said a glowing Chi-taki with admiration in his voice.

Troy looked at Shark and whispered into his ear, "He sounds a lot like Mr. Valliant," but it was impossible.

Mr. Valliant was now a world away and come to think of it, he would give anything to see his face again which would mean they were in the comfort of their own homeland, the great and majestic blue marble, Earth.

Shark chuckled at the thought of Mr. Valiant wielding a sword and battling giants. His power, he thought, would be knowledge.

He would overcome his enemy by educating them to the reason why their wrongdoings were erroneous and to help them see the righteous path to take.

"Yeah, he does but of course it's not him, he's not an ancient Warrior of Wind, but a hardworking professor of history," said Shark.

Chi-taki continued on with the description of the Hyod of Wind.

"His Guardian Beastial is the brave eagle with which he soars into battle with whenever needed."

"Wow, I would like to meet this Hyod. He sounds like someone who can make a huge difference in this world," muttered Shark.

Troy had to make a mental note to convey to his best friend that his vision, honourable, was something truly out of his reach.

"Like the Hyod of Wind, the rest of the Hyods also where robes and armours distinctive to the Rudiment they control," Chi-taki said when something thumped Troy on his head, opening his eyes to a previous memory.

The one whom saved them wore a robe. Could he be a Hyod? No that was too outrageous, or was it?

"The Hoyd of Earth is Demetah (Dee-me-tah). She is very beautiful and one of the youngest Hyods. Her sacred Beastial is the majestic stag."

"She never walks with her weapon; however, it is placed safely in a hidden vault. Out of all the Hyods, she is the one to appear before her faithful followers and help if she can."

"I would definitely love to meet her," said a smiling Shark while Troy chuckled.

"Lord Ponthious (Pon-tee-us)!" interrupted Chi-taki with a loud roar to grab the two's attention. "Is the Hyod of Water. His weapon is his trusted golden shield embedded with his sapphire emblem."

"His shield could expand or contrast to the size he wanted. His Guardian Beastial is the dangerous hammerhead shark. I heard Lord Ponthious has the powers to link to all the bodies of water in the world and purify them if they are stained."

Shark quickly remembered something Chi-taki had uttered to them when they were in the Forest of Intentions.

"That Hyod must be the one Chi-taki talked about yesterday," said Shark to a baffled Troy.

"You know, the one he said I was named after, well not him but his sacred Beastial," clarified Shark.


1) Any thoughts on the Hyods so far?

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