Jada wore a hot pink halter top with camo baggy pants and hot pink vans, the way her abs were revealed made me want to go run a mile. Natalie wore a deep blue sundress with silver sandals to match.

They approached the table and sat across from me and Ashley.

"Have you guys ordered anything yet?," Natalie asked.

Her voice sounded much calmer than last time we had spoken so I took this as a good sign.

"No we wanted to wait for you guys," I answered.

We waved over the waiter and all placed drink orders. The girls ordered mimosas but I ordered a regular strawberry lemonade, I had a long enough night with more than enough alcohol last night. They all looked at me weirdly after not getting alcohol.

"You pregnant?," Ashley asked, staring at me with wide eyes.

I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"Hell no, I'm just hungover," I answered.

They all looked at me waiting for me to tell them the tea but I knew we had other things to discuss first.

"Look I'm sorry that I overreacted the way that I did, it wasn't worth it at all," Jada stated, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I'm sorry too, I don't ever want to hurt you again," I replied.

I reached over and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry too," Natalie chimed in.

"Of course I am too bitches," Ashley screamed pulling us all into a group hug.

We all laughed and began sipping on our drinks. We placed our food orders and as we sat there waiting we jumped into conversation to update each other on what was new with one another.

Jada let us know that her new job was going great and she'd started seeing someone that she wished to keep private for awhile.

Natalie stated that she had a new boo that she would be introducing to us soon, which was a shocker to me.

Ashley invited us all to her and Trev's anniversary dinner next Friday.

"Well what's new with me is quite lengthy. Me and Omar became official, had sex and met each other's mothers and uh I met my sperm donor," I announced.

I looked back at them to attempt to read their expressions but couldn't.

"Well don't be shy, tell us how the dick was sis," Ashley yelled.

"Yes girl because we see you glowing," Natalie added.

Jada giggled lightly waiting on my response as well.

"Well it was uh, PHENOMENAL," I exclaimed, bursting out in laughter.

This felt good, this was all that I had needed.

When the food arrived to our table we began eating as we continued our conversation.

Ashley gave us details about her party and I couldn't help but be excited for her. I couldn't believe it had been 8 years of her being with Trev, that was beautiful.

"He wants the dinner to be held at the restaurant that we met at, it's significant to us," she explained.

"Are we able to bring someone?," I asked, curiously.

"Duh bitch, I wouldn't dare ask you to leave Omar at home," she giggled.

Natalie and Jada had agreed they would bring their dates as well.

When we finished eating and paid our tabs we all walked to Jada's jeep. We asked a stranger walking by to take a photo for us in front of it, they kindly agreed. I threw up a rock star sign, Ashley flicked the camera off and Jada and Natalie grabbed each other's asses. Our photo came out fire as always.

We got in our cars and drove away in different directions. As I headed home I received a call from Omar, my heart and pussy began to beat uncontrollably. He had such a strong effect on me.

"Hey beautiful how was your day how did it go?," He asked.

It sounded like he was still at the construction site judging from the background noise.

"It went well, we all made up and everything. Ashley and Trev have a dinner coming up for their anniversary she wants me to bring you," I responded, smiling widely.

"I'll be there Trev already called me and told me about it," he replied.

I'd forgotten him and Trev already had met and exchanged contact info. I guess they were brothers now or whatever.

"Okay good," I answered.

"I'll be able to meet Tuesday, this client is very important to my business but we can do dinner as soon as I'm back," he said.

Tuesday?! So far away.

"Of course baby that's fine, can't wait," I cooed.

"Me either, I love you," he added.

"I love you too," I replied in between blushing heavily.

We disconnected the call and I continued to make my way home. I had soooo much to tell Dr.Mayfield in therapy tomorrow, apart of me was actually excited for it.

A/N : This chapter was a little more calm but trust me there's much more juicy stuff to come! Stay tuned. 🦋🖤

Edited by author on 5/20/22

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