Peeta's First Breakfast

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When you heard Peeta was being un-hospitalized, it was a great feeling. They assigned him to share a compartment (Compartment 602) with none other than you! Coin asked you to be his escort. He has a cop watching him, too, but they wanted someone familiar watching him.

"Hey guys!" I ask when we reach Finnick's table. "Could we sit with you?" I didn't notice who Peeta was glaring at.


"Peeta," you nudge him. "Say hi!"

"Hullo," Peeta murmurs. He is fidgeting with his hands in a violet way. 

Finnick taps his wife, "Annie, did you know that it was Peeta who might make our wedding cake?" Peeta blushed.

"No," Annie said. She turned to Peeta. "I bet it will be beautiful." 

"I'd love to do it," Peeta blushed and ducked his head so Katniss wouldn't see. But she was blushing, too. Looks like Katniss still thinks something is going on. 

"So!" you gasp. "Finnick, how's the breakfast?" 

"Mushed, to describe it in one word," he laughs. Everyone gets a little laugh. Even Peeta. That's a relief.

"That's how it is every day!" Gale chuckles.

"It's true!" you reply. Who doesn't get sick of this breakfast?

"Well, Annie and I must be off for our walk. Thanks for a delightful breakfast, guys!" Finnick remarked. 

There's a chorus of "byes". 

"Thank you, Peeta, for the cake. I loved the little frosted dolphins and fish drawings Avery showed me, for it," Annie comments.

"You're welcome," Peeta blushes. "Finnick, you better take her before I do." 

"Over my dead body, Peeta!" 

Day One, done. The only issue were the nightmares I had that night. Frosted dolphins flying around Katniss and Peeta.

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