chapter two - a big hole

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The structure's door got blown away, and two figures crashed onto the sand with it. One was holding the other up by the collar, basically spitting on him while glaring at him with blazing hazel eyes. Interestingly enough, the underdog in the situation seemed almost unfazed. He simply looked up at his aggressor as if he was annoying wasp. He kneed the assailant in the crotch and proceeded to push him off his body.

Jaron, Lucas assumed, got up and brushed off the sand from his camouflage-patterned attire before pushing his light caramel bangs out of his face. "Great, Link. Look at what you've done. I'm not fixing that door for you."

Link was writhing around in the sand in pain. Sand got all over his hair of a similar shade and made his white, sleeveless tunic closer to a cream colour. "Jaron, you meanie-head! Why'd you have to go for... there."

"It was either that or your head! You should be thanking me!"

"I'd rather have Wanumonian soldiers laugh at me as a Jorvik consumed my body from the inside out!" Link spat.

"What happened this time?" Vaessen groaned, finally announcing her presence, as well as Jalen and Lucas'.

"Vaessen, you're back!" Jaron exclaimed.


"Vaessennnnn! Jaron called me stupid again," Link pouted.

"Why did you call him stupid?"

"He wanted to go cliff diving!" Jaron replied. "How are we supposed to go cliff diving in the middle of a desert?"

"Linkin, you know you can't do anything like that," Vaessen sighed.

"Excuse you, I am in peak physical condition!" Linkin proclaimed.

Jaron coughed into his hand. "The same doesn't apply mentally."

Link shot up from the ground. "This is abuse! Vaessen, he's abusing me! I'm suing for emotional damages."

"You can't sue- Oh, my gosh. Let's just go inside." Vaessen picked up the door and started heading into the metal shack. "That applies to you too, Jalen and Lucas."

"Oh. New people. Hi, I'm Link." Linkin extended his hand to Lucas.

"Um, hi. I'm Lucas."

"Jalen." Jalen shook Link's hand when Lucas simply stared at the hand awkwardly.

"I'm Jaron. Sorry about him," the other sighed.

"You're so mean," Link huffed while following Vaessen inside.

The rest went after him. Lucas expected it to be considerably darker, but there was a massive gap in the roof. A layer of sand was basically covering everything inside because of it. Off in the corner was a chabudai table, and there was a hammock hanging in the back. Pathetic pieces of cloth were strewn along the floor, probably meant to function as beds for Jaron and Linkin. A small stove and cupboard stood near the doorway, and Vaessen was already searching for something to cook.

"You guys must be starving. Uh, how does stale bread, pickled vegetables, and dried fish sound for dinner?"

The four young men exchanged looks and shrugged. "Sure..."

Soon enough, the five of them were all kneeling around the table, eating in uncomfortable silence. While the fish was too salty, the pickles were too soggy, and the bread was harder than bone, Lucas ate up as much as he could. Enduring the strange sensations in his mouth was slightly more pleasant than the emptiness in his stomach.

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