A/N - Not Just Yet BUT...

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Heyyy me loveliesss!

Basically, I have lots planned :D

First, thank you to JordanDefrati for making the cover of the book. I may have tweaked it slightly to include 'oneshots' as, you may recall, they designed some super lovely fanmade covers of ISWS that I displayed in ISWS and loved too much to not use 😄

Second, turns out putting my original novel on the backburner because of Covid leading to me editing and writing more plays and stuff still leaves me a decent amount of time to work on fanfic writing too (as you can see with I Am Ironheart and An Entity Within).

Um, not much is going on with this book yet but G99_bazinga gave me the idea a while ago to work on some oneshots for my ISWS characters and I have to say I really liked the idea, so thank you very much! 😄

At the moment, I haven't got much planned other than to show you some of the 'scenes' that I ended up 'cutting' from ISWS and there are a handful of them. But I'm willing to edit them so they don't look so rough when I show them to you 😂

Also...really wanna work on some MorMor because I ended up shipping Moriarty and Moran harder after writing their relationship? Like oof okay this ship was certainly never ever meant to stay in the harbour! 😂😄

But yeah, if you have any ideas of what you might want to see just shout!

At the moment all I can think of is:
- Young Elizabeth and Jim committing crimes/or just being sibling-y
- Moriarty and Moran's relationship
- Sherlock and Elizabeth investigating more crimes together
- Elizabeth and John being bezzie mates
- More Rita and Mycroft like that secret wedding I never wrote for you guys cuz the book was so long already (my bad 🙈)

Or if there is anything more specific, like I say, just ask although keep in mind there shall be a sequel arriving towards the end of the year! 😄

That's all for now!

Hope you guys and your families are safe and well!

- Mickey

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