
I was fed up with lying to all these people, I can't do. this anymore. I looked at Raghu thatha(grandpa) for an approval to start, he gave me a nod to proceed with the plan and took Amar away.

I double checked the room for My father and Jay and that was my cue to tell the world the truth about them.

I walked away from Jay's mom to the center of the room.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" I spoke out loudly and the whole room went quiet.

I got puzzled looks from my family but I completely ignored them.

"Hi...I am Divya, I know most of you are here because of all the rumors about RR enterprises and want to know what's going on. And I am here to tell you the  truth and my side of the story, How my life was being the only wife of the current CEO and the daughter of JK corp, what these so called people put me through. Listen to me and judge me all you want."

"Trust me if anyone of you were in my shoes, you would've broken down during the first step." I said reminiscing the old painful memories and felt a tear pass through my cheek.

"If you know me personally, I was always the quiet kid in my family. Everyone used to say, she is so quiet, she doesn't talk much..That's because I was never allowed to talk out loud and was taught that it's disrespectful to do that." I looked up and found and everyone listening to me with at most attention.

"Being a good daughter I did everything I could to keep them happy. I even married Jay, I stayed in that marriage even though he hit me, abused me mentally."

I heard a few gasps when I said that.

"When I took this matter to my family you know what my own grandma said, she said that if anyone sees me back home their prestige would go down and sent back to Jay

When did prestige in the society become more than your own child's pain?

So many of you saw me with bruises but no one ever had the audacity to question Jay, why?

Some of you cared but none of you cared enough to help me through it.

Your ignorance, my tolerance and acceptance made it easier for Jay, because he knew no one cared and it gave him the courage to do whatever he wants to me.

The beatings got worse each day and one night he raped me, you know what own father told me after that Adjust and Adapt.

I couldn't take it, I tried to kill myself after that because I couldn't bear the thought of living in this hell. And I failed at that too, If I succeeded I wouldn't be here right!

I was sacred, lost and alone but my parents were not there to be teach me and help me get through it. Instead they were on the other side pushing me into darkness. It took me months to realize to stop hoping for somebody to save me and help me from this situation.

I never expected anything form Jay because I didn't care, but what hurt me the most was my own family not standing by me?

So,I ran away with the help of Amaya, who stood by me when no one in the world did. I was pregnant in an unknown country, without any hope for life and love.

But life is twisted in it's own ways, I I fell in love with someone I had no intentions of falling for. He made me believe in unconditional love, with him there was no force in chemistry. He also showed me that a real man never hurts others and gave me the hope and made me fall in love for the first time.

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