- 23: He would pull -

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I guess this is what Mr. King meant by taking care of the problem.

"And how do I have anything to do with your beat up face?" I asked, taking a step forward making his grip tighten on the gun.

"Stay back!" He yelled.

I could sense how restless everyone else was getting by the continuous gaze shifting and fidgeting, while my face remained void of any emotions.

I've been in similar situations before and your best shot at getting out of these alive is to appear confident, even if you have to fake it sometimes.

I was definitely not faking it this time because I could see how bad of a state, Brody, was in.

His hands shook as he aimed his gun at me, moisture blurred his vision and the several broken bones in his body made him wince every other second.

"I had everything!" He seethes, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "Everything! Before you set foot here. And now I have nothing, I was thrown out of the gang, Sophia left and now I have to spend every day of my life being taunted about the fact that I lost to a fucking girl!"

A yawn escaped my mouth by the end of his speech making him, look at me in disbelief. "Yeah, I still don't see your point there, you know." I shook my head, pouting slightly.

I saw Cole almost choke on his spit at that as the guys looked at me as if I've grown a second head.

"YOU-" Brody shook in rage but I cut him off, taking slow steps towards him.

"You know, your attempts at offending me, are getting old." I said frowning, not breaking eye contact as I kept walking towards him.

In about ten steps, I stopped right in front of him.

"I'm going to kill you and you can take your jokes with you to the grave, chirpy." He said, holding the gun right at my head, the vein in his forehead almost at the verge of being popped. "You see, I have the upper hand here if you haven't noticed, yet."

A menacing smile took over his face again, as his index finger hovered over the trigger.

He would pull.

He would define pull the trigger.

I can tell by a look at a person, whether they would pull the trigger or not, and Brody has every reason to do so, specially now, that he has nothing to lose.

And I'm not ready to die, yet.

The next few seconds flashed before everyone's eyes so fast that they seemed to have missed it.

One moment, Brody was about to pull the trigger, and the next, he was standing at a gunpoint himself, empty-handed.

One moment, Brody was about to pull the trigger, and the next, he was standing at a gunpoint himself, empty-handed

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Ashes Of You And I (Completed) | ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin