Chapter 5

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It had been a month since you had started working but it felt like only a second. Your second-year class had calmed and became a wonder to teach like your other classes. Severus meanwhile had been his usual withdrawn self, however seemed to appear in random places, in hallways, going down from the astronomy tower, talking to Hagrid. Severus always seemed to know where you are, but you didn't know this, thinking it was only a coincidence that you would bump into him so often. Usually, he would look at you with his piercing dark eyes, full of mystery as he passed, taking in your face and your smile.

Today it was the first quidditch match of the season, Hufflepuff vs Slytherin. Severus for a while had been making sure that the team was trained and would beat the Hufflepuff team so that Slytherins would win the Quidditch cup.

You sat next to Severus and the match began, watching as the students zoomed around on brooms. It was quite a violent match, the Slytherin team taking no prisoners in completely beating the Hufflepuffs.

It was around halfway through the match when a Slytherin beater smacked a bludger toward you and the rest of the teachers which was originally aimed at another beater who quickly got out of the way and so instead it smacked into the stand. You felt someone push you down and you yelled, hitting the floor of the wooden stand, on top of you was Severus.

Severus smirked slightly, waiting for a little while and watching you, how your hair splayed slightly and your shocked face as you stared up at Severus.

Severus in a second snapped out of his daze and helped you up, brushing some snow off your shoulders.

"Uh, was that a bludger?" you asked, sitting back down and feeling a little bruised.

"Yes" Severus said. "Are you alright?" he asked, he looked slightly concerned.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks for saving me from getting a bludger in the face" you said, smiling slightly.

Severus looked at you for a little time before looking back at the game.

Thankfully no other dangerous mishaps occurred for the rest of the game and although Hufflepuff found the snitch, it was Slytherin who won overall. Severus looked very happy, a triumphant smirk etched on his face.

"I guess you are glad Slytherin won I guess" you said, walking back with Severus through the snow from the Quidditch pitch.

"Very much so" Severus said. "I am hoping to win the quidditch Cup this year"

"Do you think you will?" you asked.

"Undoubtedly" Severus said smoothly, smirking.

You were so into the conversation that you slightly slipped on ice, you hit the floor on your butt and got slightly winded, making an offing sound as you hit the floor.

"You should be more careful" Severus said, watching you with his trademark smirk as you got up.

"May I have your arm for support?" you asked, growing slightly red from the cold and asking the question.

Severus was slightly shocked, however, he didn't show it, instead, he thrust out his arm which you took and together you walked toward the castle. Severus couldn't help but look at you and how you shivered slightly, leaning into him unknowingly for warmth. He found your red cheeks adorable and how you held onto him a little harder when you both walked over icy patches.

Severus started to wonder about your red face. He thought how he could make you blush and tingle with his words in your ear and his fingers brushing your naked skin. Severus' eyes darkened as he imagined you tied up on his bed, wriggling slightly against the ties, your face red and your eyes covered with his scarf.

"What are you smiling about?" you asked, snapping Severus out of his trace.

"Nothing" Severus snapped, this took you aback and Severus frowned. "I did not mean to be harsh" he said.

"No it's fine" you said

"Damn it" Severus thought as he watched you let go of his arm as you both got to the castle.

"anyway" you murmured. "Thanks for saving me for harm twice today"

Severus smirked, shaking his head. "you need to be more careful. Next time you may not have me to look after you"

You smiled. "yeah I wouldn't" you said shrugging. "I can get a little clumsy sometimes"

Severus smiled. His poor little pet. He should look after you to make sure you don't accidentally hurt yourself. Severus entertained himself with that thought while aimlessly looking at the great hall, watching students go in for the feast.

"We should go in" you said, noticing how he had zoned out.

Severus nodded, you both walking into the great hall to have the after quidditch match feast. You both sat down together and you got into a conversation with Minerva, talking about Quidditch. Severus listened in, loving hearing you talking and the way you listened to Minerva so carefully. You really cared for people and he loved this fact. Oh, how he wished to claim you as his own, to keep you safe from the evils which he knew were in this world. His fingers twitched slightly as he ate, he couldn't help imagining you in his mind. Severus knew he shouldn't, however, he couldn't help it.

Severus shook his head and concentrated on Dumbledore as he started a small speech, talking some garbage about quidditch and exams. Severus couldn't be bothered to listen, wishing to listen to your voice again.

The feast was soon over and you returned to your room, laying down on your bed. Today was a nice day, you got to talk with Severus further and get to know him slightly. He seemed to zone out a lot, you wondered what he was thinking about, you? You shrugged and cheked the time before getting under the covers of your bed before going to sleep.

Severus pushed his head back in pleasure, his eyes tight shut as he grasped his cock on his hand and thrust harshly. Your voice ran through his mind and your body filled his head. "just like that (y/n)" he muttered. "be a good little thing and keep your hand on me" he thrust a little slower, his shaking, sweating hand trying it's best to milk his erect cock. Severus gritted his teeth, sweat starting to appear on his forehead. "Keep it like that." he moaned. Severus rubbed the tip of his cock with his thumb before going back to his now throbbing penis. Severus pushed his head back further and went faster, chasing the orgasm he was so close to achieving. "Yes (y/n) yes, yes" Severus grunted loudly, hot streams of white cum falling out of his cock and onto his fingers and the bed. Severus relaxed into the bed, breathing heavily as he whipped his forehead with his other hand while his other kept a hold of his slight limp, however, still throbbing dick.

Severus' eyes snapped open and looked at the mess he made, he so wished this cum was inside you, where it belonged. This dream however was not yet a reality.

With a wave of Severus wand, the cum was cleaned and he stood and washed his hands before getting into his now clean sheets. Slowly he moved his cushions and hugged them, imagining you there as he fell asleep. He would have you, he promised himself before slipping into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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