Chapter 4

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Severus liked what he had seen, you were as he thought, kind and loving, everything you said is true. Severus also found out, because of the sheltered life you had never had a relationship which made him smirk, he would be the first one to kiss you, to fuck you, he didn't mind if it was willingly or not, you would be his.

Severus reached the dungeons, thinking about how easy it would be to take you away to be his, this thought lingered and he frowned, as much as he wished to, he wanted you to be willing, although he did not mind, if he took you, you would soon learn who you belonged to. He must not lose you like he did Lily, Severus would make sure of that.

The other lessons you had today were calm which you were thankful for, you were too awkward to find Severus and ask for help if things went wrong.

You went down to the great hall for dinner and sat, sighing, you were tired but happy. You settled at the table and started to eat, enjoying the light chatter which filled the room but not noticing the onyx eyes on you from the other side of the table. Severus had been wondering how to make you fall for him, how to make you, his. He could use Amortentia, however, he was not sure. Now Severus knew what you liked and did not like he could use that to his advantage, to help you understand, to make you pliant to him.

As Severus' mind whirred you were talking with Minerva about how you could better control the second-year class and also extra tips about teaching which you were thankful for. You were impressed that she had been teaching for 34 years and took her advice. You also mentioned what Severus did which had Minerva raise her eyebrows.

"Is that so?" she asked, looking over at Severus.

"Yeah, it was really good of him" you said.

Minerva nodded and looked back at Severus, noticing he had turned his head towards you. She was not sure what was going on in his head, he had never helped another teacher, especially one who was new to the school, he was usually aggressive and ignored them. Minerva shrugged, taking a sip of her drink and deciding not to investigate Severus' strange behaviour further.

Dinner finished and you went back to your office, getting your resources ready for the next day before settling down and opening a book to read.

Severus meanwhile was sitting on his couch, his mind still whirring in thought, he decided to stop these thoughts, he had only known you for two days yet he had become slightly obsessed with you as he had with Lily. Severus huffed, he had mixed feelings about you, one side wanted to take you away, for you to be his, but his other side wanted him to stay alone and isolated. He should keep away from you, yet he could not stop thinking about you as he brushed his trousers with his fingers.

You finished reading the chapter and got into bed, relaxing in the covers and pulling them around you. This bed somehow was magical as it was the comfiest you had ever been in which immediately lulled you to sleep.

I will possess your heart // Severus Snape x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin