Trial #11 ( Supra x SCP! Reader)

Start from the beginning

The young doctor nervously flipped through his paper before finding the right one. After one last confirmation nod from his seniors, Doctor JJ pressed a small button on the roof as a high-pitched buzz filled the room, indicating that the recording has started. Opening his mouth, the researched started to repeat what was written in his papers.

"SCP 11-J78, Keter level, The Electric Manipulator. Description: a young human with enhanced human abilities and is able to produce electric from their body. They are also able to control the  any electric currents, whether is it coming from their bodies or from another electric source, and are immune to electrical shocks. In addition, they possess some sort of intangibility, being able to will their bodies by some unknown means to become electric charges, increasing their speed and allowing them to go through the smallest gaps."

"You guys couldn't have given me a cooler sounding name, could you?" You raised a brow, sighing as you start predicting how long this discussion will take. "You've given all the other specimens some cool sounding name and I'm stuck with 'The Electric Manipulator'? How lame does that sound?"

"This is the 4th trial of execution. Due to protocols, I will repeat what happened in the previous 3 trials," JJ gulped before continuing. "Trial #1. Scp 11-J78 was submerged in a tank full of sulphuric acid. However, the execution failed and the scp escaped, causing several casualties."

"You all were pretty dumb enough to do that. Sulphuric acid can conduct electricity after all." You pointed out non-chantly.

"Trial #2. Scp 11-J78 was submerged in water for a period of time. The scp itself seems to have gone into a temporary hibernation. With it's body systems temporarily shutting down, but still keeping it alive somehow."

"That was totally unnecessary and rude to wake a person up by drowning them in water for long period of time," You huffed, glaring at him harshly.

"Trial #3. Scp 11-J78 was exposed to radioactive rays. The specimen passed out immediately the moment they were put into the same room and remained that way till they were extracted away and cleaned."

"Ah yes, yet another moment where I just pass out right in front of you guys. Fainting in front of a bunch of peeps isn't exactly all that exciting, you know?" You huffed, rolling your eyes. "Welp, seems like you're done! What's next? You're gonna put me into tank full of sharks? Make me plummet down an endless hole? Pierce me with a gazillion knives?"

The researcher's eyes flitted towards you, the first reaction besides the constant terrified look he had been giving you for the past few minutes. Locking eye contact with you as a small smirk spread on his smile.

"Things will be a bit more interesting for you today, perhaps. Today, you'll be put into the same containment area as another one kinda like you. We're just gonna be seeing whether or not will you be alive or torn apart by the end of this experiment. Now get ready."


How do you prepare for an execution?

As stupid as it sounds, even though you've gone through at least 3 failed execution trial. You never know how to prepare yourself for it. Don't think you can bring balloon and sparkles to it-

Ok, let's not continue with that-

Your 'security guards', the mobile task force (MTF), were holding you at arm length, each and everyone of them armed to the teeth and dressed in non-electric conductive armor. You've long given up trying to talk to them, since none of them seem to have the ability to say anything besides "Keep you head up and walk straight ahead." Lovely conversation starters, you must say.

Doctor JJ was walking ahead of you by a few feet, nose buried in a pile of papers with a pencil in his hand scribbling down nonsense. Despite that, he seemed to have committed the entire map of the area to mind, since he managed to lead your little group down the hallways and corners without bumping into a single thing. And that's no impressive task when you're drowning yourself in a pile  of work.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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