(18) An Instance so Profound and Riddled with Blood

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"I know you know about me," Cathy said calming. Queen Sali began to chuckle.

"And now Alexis does too." She said with a smirk sitting down. Cathrine refrained from saying anything, only tried to swallow the knot forming in her throat. "You know, for so long Dribrin has forced us to keep quiet about you by threatening to tell the kingdom about our superweapon. I mean of course we could've had him killed, my husband and I had been contemplating it but we couldn't risk anything when it came to Alexis,"

"Why did you send the tribes of zenzontle into poisonous lands?" Cathy, aware of the fact that she was on a timer.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sali asked looking at her nails arrogantly "you're baiting me, you're trying to make it seem I'm the bad guy in order to get Alexis back on your side. But it'll never work. Because she'll never see you again," she said smiling.

"But Alex is already on my side your highness. She knows and she doesn't care. She's actually here helping me take you down," Cathy responded firmly. Queen Sali stopped smiling. She stood.

"She escaped?" she said quietly, clutching her chest. She looked at Cathrine and snarled. "How dare you!" She charged at Cathy. "SHE WAS MY WEAPON!" Cathy easily dodged and ran to the throne.

"Alex was never your weapon! She's not a weapon! And soon this chair won't be yours! It'll be hers!" Cathrine yelled. The Queen lost her composure.

"She was born a weapon! While Carter wanted a child heir, I wanted a weapon. Which is why I went to a demon florillorian to make sure she was born with powers. a soul for power he told me. So I offered 20 souls and hoped it'd be enough for my eventual takeover. but all of that was thrown out the trash when you turned her on me! you made her think it was okay to not obey her creator! This is all YOUR fault!" she said huffing.

"You committed genocide by sending the zenzontle people into poisoned lands! You banished them because they were different! and when they perished after countless of ruthless attacks you rewrote history in your favor!" Cathrine said enraged. "If you had half the gall Alex had! you would admit to your action! And not run from it like the pathetic coward you are!" Cathrine said moving to her. Queen Sali stepped back.

"I don't regret killing those filthy demons," she hissed. "I just regret not killing the demon who infiltrated my kingdom and manipulated one of my highest ranking nobles before she had time to breed!" Sali spat out. Cathy was right in front of her. Emotions hit her like a train when she realized she was talking about her mother.

"you killed my mother?" She said softly "but- but my- my father- he said it was because of childbirth," she said, feeling like all the wind in her chest was knocked out.

"Because that's what he thinks. We had planned to kill those two little monsters too but you came into the room and my assassins couldn't finish the job," Queen Sali starkly said.

Guards pounded on the heavy doors that were sealed by Alex.

They were running out of time.

"So Cathrine. What now? You've run out of time. It's just you and me. And when I get my hands on you I'll execute you and make an example of you," she leaned in "pathetic demons have to be put in their place," she whispered softly with a grin. Cathrine's back tensed. She hadn't gotten what she wanted yet she had to hold on a little longer. Alex would understand. She'd wait till the code word.

A Nightmare Within a DreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz