14 | Gnossienne: IV

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     Glancing behind you a last time, you realized the huge wolf that chased you was no longer in sight. You halted your pace, your feet sliding to a hard stop in the dirt as you jerked your head in all directions for any sign of the creature.

     All was silent. The only audible noise be that of your breaths.


     You whipped your head towards a dark crevice where the sharp blue eyes of the beast illuminated, slowly approaching the light to reveal itself once more. Its teeth bared with a vile snarl.


     Without hesitation, you sent running the opposite direction while adrenaline filled your veins.

     You ever heard of persistence hunting, Y/N?

     When the prey runs. . .and runs. . .continuously without stop to flee of whatever predator attempts pursuing them?

     Aren't you tired, Y/N?

     What happens when the prey becomes exhausted, Y/N?

     A wolf is not slow. They tend to catch up rather quickly yet, somehow you're still on the run unharmed thus far. Have you considered the possibility that perhaps you're being played?

     You're in a game. Are you attempting to beat a chase of cat and mouse that you've already lost, Y/N?

     You began to feel your lungs burn at your constant sharp breaths, your legs weakening and fumbling at every thump against the ground.

     Suddenly, a lifted tree root came across your path causing you to trip hard on your face. "Aghk!" You cried out desperately but not due to pain, rather the tormenting fear of getting caught.

     You're tired. Weary. Your lungs burn and your feet ache. You've been running for what felt like hours. The idea of laying to rest and giving up isn't sounding all that bad anymore.

     You don't want to run anymore.

     A vicious growl startled you from your dazed body that lay tiresome on the ground. "Come on Y/N! You've. . .got. . .to run!" You cried out while summing up whatever you could in strength, picking up your pace to continue your escape.

     But it seemed that it was too late.

     A sharp pain shot like a spasm from your ankle up your thigh. With rounded eyes, you feared the worst was soon to arrive. Surely enough, you fell upon the ground once again, feeling the needle-like teeth of the creature ripping through your ankle as it snarled rabidly. You shrieked, looking down at it with mere shock while trying to kick it off with your opposite foot.

     Beside you lay a loose branch that you used to your advantage, grabbing ahold of it and swinging it right across the wolf's face. It whimpered and began rubbing its face with its paws, allowing you a chance for an escape.

     Limping off, you hurried away but your ankle was horridly injured. Even the slightest bit of pressure sent shock waves of pain up your body. You couldn't run anymore.

     Hope began to creep away from every inch of your mind as your eyes welled up of despaired tears. There was not a chance you could outrun the beast further. You fell to your hands and knees, hiccuping back sharp breaths of mangled cries.

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