First Prank

172 16 47

Neville's POV

The week seemed to fly by. Nothing too interesting happened, though the Carrows were as awful as usual in my classes with them.

With Ginny's departure, Amycus had begun starring at all the girls in that way that made my skin crawl. But he didn't fixate on any one person like he did with Ginny. Nobody was targeted, nobody was safe.

The first time she saw him was in a corridor near Charms. Their eyes had locked, and Hannah froze. He'd smirked, glad he could have that effect, but he didn't try anything. Not in the crowded hallway while she was surrounded by DA members.

Alecto hadn't been nearly as bad, she'd only crucioed one person when they objected to the homework she'd piled on us, with promises of more if it wasn't turned in. And she'd only made one remark about my parents, and called me just as useless and weak.

But none of the other teachers had assigned any homework at all, even though NEWTs were rapidly approaching. They provided optional study material, and other things to get us ready for the test, but nothing was required.

But as much as I wanted to pass my NEWTs, most of my time was spent on the DA. I'd never realized how much Ginny was doing until she was gone. Organizing meetings itself was a hassle.

But, suddenly it was Friday, the day of our first meeting. The suddenness of it almost surprised me.

"So, what's our first prank?" I cut right to the chase.

"Maybe something simple, like graffiti again." Sally-Anne volunteered.

"We could drop dungbombs in the Great Hall..." Terry added quickly.

"Sure. Let's do that. It's new, they won't be expecting it. When?"

"Tonight?" Anthony suggested. Jason stood up so fast his chair toppled backwards.

"No! Not tonight. Tomorrow... Give everyone a chance to prepare."

"Umm... ok then. Tomorrow it is." I was a little confused why he cared, but it was probably nothing. "Any volunteers?"

To my surprise, only a handful of people raised their hands. Hannah, Parvati, Seamus and I.

"Great. So, tomorrow meet back here. I'll bring the dungbombs."


The next day seemed to skip by. I didn't have any Carrow Classes, so nothing incredibly stressful or painful happened. The next night, I met Parvati and Seamus in the Gryffindor Common Room.

I marveled at how it took no words to communicate. Just a simple nod without a hint of mirth from Seamus, and a grim smile from Parvati and we were out the portrait hole and into the hall.

We barely even made a rustle as we walked to the Room of Requirement, and Parvati paced before it; opening the door. It appeared, and, trying to be a gentleman, I prepared to open it for her. But I stopped with my hand on the knob.

What if we got caught? What if she was caught? The missions hadn't gone too well recently. I didn't want let myself think of what would happen to her if this went badly, but the sound of her scream rang through my head like a gong.

I felt sick.

"Neville? Are you going to open the door or what?" Parvati asked.

"Oh, ummm... right."

The door stayed shut.


"Yes, yes. I know................ D'y'think..... we could do it with three people instead of four?"

"Ohhhh." Seamus whispered understandingly. "You want to keep her safe. If you leave her here, she'll be livid." He warned.

"She'll be safe." I snapped, then immediately felt bad.

"Your choice. Do what you feel is best..." His expression was unreadable.

A thousand unidentifiable emotions flooded me. I should protect her. Hannah's a big girl, she can take care of herself. But... can anyone take care of themselves right now. Isn't this the only way to keep her safe? Yeah, right. Like she wouldn't come after us once she realized we'd left her. And then she'd be in even more danger, wandering the castle by herself.

The Carrows could find her together, or worse, Amycus could find her alone.

And a selfish part of me really didn't want her to be mad at me. And so, my heart heavy, I opened the door.

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it again. Instead, I beckoned her to follow us.

The group; now slightly larger crept as one down the hallway. I glanced at Hannah, but she kept her gaze locked firmly ahead.

She's still a furious with you. A tiny voice whispered. She's going to break up with you soon. I focused on walking forward.

I crept on silently; almost in a daze until we reached the Great Hall. We stopped in front of the doors. Parvati tiptoed forward until she was able to push the door open. I glanced over her shoulder into the Great Hall.

My blood froze.

Alecto stood with a slight smirk, Amycus by her side.

"Fancy meeting you here." She taunted. "Out in the middle of the night."

"There are some very dangerous people on the loose, ladies. Allow me to escort you to your Common Rooms... to protect you, of course." Amycus added.

I started to back up, but Alecto raised her wand a little higher.

"Take one more step and I crucio your girlie till her mind snaps like a twig." I froze.

I should've left her.

I heard Seamus shift slightly at my back, but it was Parvati who moved first.

"Obscuro!" A blindfold wrapped around Alecto's eyes, and I ran, following Parvati, Seamus, and Hannah.

I distantly heard Alecto screaming at her brother to chase us and leave her.

I could hear him chasing us, and I knew she wouldn't be far behind. Or maybe I just hoped she wouldn't be far behind.

As we ran, I noticed Seamus started lagging behind. His face was contorted in a grimace, but he ran on.

His old wounds were paining him.

"No." I muttered hopelessly. "No no no!"

I let him lean on my shoulder and helped him run, but we were slow. Too slow. Amycus was right at our heels.

And in a split second, I decided. I pushed Seamus ahead of me. He stumbled a bit. I screamed at him to run. It seemed as if I turned in slow motion as I faced Amycus. I drew my wand.

I just had to hold him off a little while...

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