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Wow, I'm updating fast. I couldn't stop writing this. I hope it isn't too short.

Luna's POV

I could barely sleep, and my dreams were haunted by nightmares. His words seemed to follow me.

"At least I don't believe in imaginary creatures, and wear radishes on my ears."

We hadn't talked since then.

I think we might have broken up.

He requested to be discharged early the next morning. He walked away without a backwards glance.

I had no idea what to do now, I felt empty. Tiny brought me chocolate chip cookies, but I couldn't eat them. 79% chocolate. The exact same color as his eyes. The poor elf was caught off guard when I started sobbing and threw the cookies away from me.

The plate smashed, and crumbs flew. Tiny was shooed out by a flabbergasted Madam Pomfrey.

The first thing I did when I was discharged was sprint up to Ravenclaw Tower. There, I hurled my earrings into the trash. Then everything he'd ever touched. All the candy from our first date. Only one thing remained.

I looked up, and saw a frame. It was the picture of us I'd drawn only a few months ago.

Rolf and me. Riding a Thestral. I remembered how happy I was when I'd drawn that.

Suddenly, it was all too much.

Tears streamed down my face, and I grabbed the frame. I threw it on the ground and stomped on it. I continued until the glass was dust, and the frame was bent. I continued until the frame was falling apart at the corners.

I was infuriated to see that the drawing itself was unharmed. I tried to throw it away, but missed the trash can. It fell behind my dresser, and I didn't have the energy to retrieve it.

I collapsed on the bed, and cried until I had no more tears.


December flew by, and nothing changed. The DA meetings were awkward. I heard he had been in the hospital wing six times because of Neville, Ginny, Padma, House Elves, Johnathan, and Ginny again.

Apparently, ghosts could do serious damage if the surprised you at the top of a very tall staircase.

I was thankful that all my friends were protecting me, and the emotional support was appreciated, but I eventually told them to stop.

I hated him, but I still loved him at the same time. And that love made my heart break each time he was hurt.

I never really realized how terrible Hogwarts was, and couldn't wait to leave for Christmas in three days. Whenever I saw him, my heart would leap, and then remember.

Just one more DA meeting, and you can go home.

Rolf had repeatedly tried to apologize, but I brushed him off each time. Eventually he tried with the galleon, but I threw mine into my trunk in disgust when I saw his handwriting.

Too much. It's all too much.

But, when I reached the Room of Requirement, only one person was there.


His back was to me, and I was glad I couldn't see his chocolate colored eyes.

I hated the way my heart began to flutter watching him, and the way by breath caught in my throat.

He turned, and started to cry when he saw me.

"Lun. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I miss you. I'm so sorry. I'm an idiot. I threw away the best thing that ever happened to me. Your earrings are beautiful, and the Nargles are real. I'm so sorry, Lun."

I felt a hot pressure behind my eyes, and a tear broke free and lingered in my cheek.

Part of me knew he meant well, he'd just been angry, he hadn't meant it. But another part made me say.

"Don't call me Lun."

I turned and ran out the door. It slammed behind me with a bang of finality. But a tiny voice in my head whispered,

Is it really worth it?

I knew the answer before I'd made it three feet. I turned back to the Door, and the Room instantly knew what I longed for.

The door opened and I threw myself into his arms.

"Rolf, I should never have called you a hypocrite. I've missed you every day. I can't live without you anymore. I love you."

He seemed surprised and overwhelmed.

"You, you love me?" I tearfully nodded. "It's fine if you don't feel the same way, I-."

But he crashed his lips against mine, shutting off my words. I wrapped my arms around him, and he put his hands on my back. When we broke apart, he murmured.

"How could I not love you? I was a complete moron giving you up, and my stupid temper almost ruined everything. I'm never leaving again."

And everything was perfect, just for this moment.

Is everyone happy now that I fixed Runa?


You're welcome,

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