The Argument

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Hi guys, thanks for making it this far. I'd like to apologize in advance for what's about to happen. Also, it's a little short.

Luna's POV

Ginny was shaking me.

"Wha-?" I tried to clear my sleep fogged brain.

"Luna, Rolf's awake."

My eyes shot open, and met the chocolate brown ones next to me. He still looked awful. His hair was matted, and his skin was waxy. But to me, the fact that he was awake and smiling made him perfect.

"I'll give you two some privacy."

"Lun." He gazed at me, and he looked like his heart was breaking. "Lun." He repeated.

"You, you did that, for me? You went through that? You knew, you knew what it felt like. How much it.."

I knew what he was thinking. He was about to say hurt, but couldn't. Hurt couldn't describe that level of agony. Hurt didn't begin to sum up the way the pain consumed you and made you wish you were dead. But there really was no other word.

"Rolf, I love y-"

The door opened, and what seemed to be all of Dumbledore's Army bustled in. Ginny followed them, looking apologetic.

"Blimey, you look awful. What happened?" Michael paled. "Wait, no sorry. Inconsiderate question, just slipped out."

"It's fine. It was an accident." I reassured him. But inside I was yelling at him for interrupting our moment, and then daring to be so inconsiderate.

"But what did happen? All we heard was that the Carrows are in St. Mungo's, and won't be back till December. Something made Snape attack his trusted deputies." Ernie informed us.

"Something did. It's none of your business, so if you ask again, I will flay you." Ginny said the threat calmly, and I wordlessly thanked her.

I didn't want everyone to know.

"So..." Padma broke the tense silence. "Any more prank ideas?"

"Maybe we should wait-." Terry started.

"No." Neville interpreted. "Once we do that, they know. We have to continue like nothing's wrong. If you halt so we can recover, they know you care, and that we're members."

"Snape won't-."

"We can't rely on Snape forever. I don't know why he's suddenly decided to care, but it could end at any time."

"Wouldn't the same thing apply to my animal pranks? By stopping them, we prove that I'm a member." Rolf asked.

I found myself getting frustrated.

"No more animal pranks! Rolf..."

"He does have a point." Neville noted.


"Hear me out."

"Why should I? If this puts you in danger it isn't worth it."

"Lun, it's my choice."

"And what about me?" I was almost yelling. The entire DA had faded into the background. "You think it doesn't hurt me when they hurt you? You think, my heart wasn't shattering into a million pieces when you screamed? You think I don't wish it was me?"

"That's why I have to do this!" He was yelling back. "If they're hurting me, they aren't hurting you!"

"Rolf, this is madness. They shouldn't hurt either of us! But if it comes to it, let them hurt me!"

"I can't Lun. I need to protect you."

"What, so I can't protect myself? I'm not a damsel in distress, Rolf." I was slowly filling with anger.

"That's not what I meant-."

"Well, it's what you said." My blood was boiling and my face was flushed with color. I looked up, and the DA had practically fled."

He was getting angry now too.

"Stop twisting my words! That's not what I meant, if you would only use your ears and pay attention."

I gave a humorless laugh.

"You said it, I quoted. It's not my fault you're a lying hypocrite." I felt shocked at my words. "Rolf I didn't mean-."

"At least I don't believe in made up creatures and wear radishes on my ears!" He spat venomously.

He turned over, and put his back to me. "I'm getting some sleep." My shock and rage had nowhere to vent, so I knocked over a lamp. I put my back to him, and tried to close my eyes.

But we both lay awake for a very long time.

Who's mad at me? Who's mad at Rolf? Who's mad at the Carrows for starting off this whole chain of events?


With deepest apologies,

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