Then, he wandered over to Hoseok and took hold of his arm. He shook it, almost instantly waking the drowsy mechanic. Minjun was met with a tired frown, but he sang a 'Merry Christmas' to the man and was soon engulfed in a sleepy hug.

While they hadn't been attacked in the past few months, Minjun had become a lot friendlier with the boys of BTS. If an outsider had looked at their connection, he or she would have seen a regular group of boys enjoying life together. He still felt reluctant around Jungkook and Yoongi, but he was trying.

"Hoseok, we have to get dressed~" Minjun concealed his bright giggles behind his whining.

The medic stopping rocking the two of them, "how many more times? It's Hobi. Ho-bi. Say it and I'll let you go!"

"Hobi!" Minjun roared out, fleeing Hoseok's arms and jumping to his feet.

He ran to the closet and pulled out some clothes. Even though Minjun had become dear to the boys, they still had him wear their clothes. Not that anyone minded. It wasn't a problem whose black sweatpants he fished out, or whose burgundy hoodie he unhooked. All that mattered was that it fit him, and it kept him warm.

He waited for Taehyung to get out before Minjun bounced into the bathroom, securing the door so that he could get dressed.

"Minjun," Namjoon tapped on the door, "Boss says breakfast is ready so come on out whenever you're done." His words were followed immediately by Minjun unbolting the lock and swinging the door open, revealing his toothy smile and cutely styled outfit.

"Did he say what we're having?"

Namjoon bit back a laugh at the boy's enthusiastic manner, "hotteok."

Minjun simply danced before running ahead and darting out of the door. A few of the boys who were dressed followed him out; Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin. They were appreciative that Minjun was becoming more content around them, but it came with a new character that they had never seen before.

Comfortable Minjun was childish and carefree Minjun. It was an adorable sight to behold. Instead of terror, his wide eyes were filled with wonder and excitement. The boy had even dropped his stutter.

"Would it be rude to go down without them?" Minjun asked, fidgeting with the hem of his sweatshirt while rocking back and forth on his feet. His eyes were glued to Seokjin's, knowing that the man was a pushover for the teenager.

Hoseok strode closer, "come on, just two more minutes and we can all go together."

With a pout, Minjun sighed, "fine, Hoseok."

"You-!" Hoseok stepped forward and took the boy's dainty hand, "we'll see you guys downstairs." And with that, the mechanic led Minjun down the stairwell to the ground floor, complaining the entire way about younger not calling him 'Hobi'.

Once all of BTS had emerged in the dining room, breakfast initiated. All twenty-five people dug into the delicious pancakes set out in front of them. The maids at P Nation had learned fast about Minjun's stubborn preference for strawberry milk, so much so that even though they weren't there to serve their meals, SHINee ( the temporary volunteers of the kitchen ) made a note to remember the fact.

With a mouth full of hotteok, Minjun smiled at Namjoon, "this is delicious!"

The leader nodded, an appealing smile on his lips.

The leader nodded, an appealing smile on his lips

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