Start from the beginning

This boy was getting on your nerves- better give him what he wants, "If you must-"

"Yay!!" he clapped his hands like a little kid excitedly, "Okay! They say happiness starts with a 'h', but mine starts with 'u'." 

You smacked a hand to your foreheads, meanwhile James cheered on the side lines, "Yuhhh!! Go, Sirius!!"

"Okay," Sirius grinned, "Number two: Aren't your legs sore? Aren't they sore from running through my mind all day?"

Oh sweet mother of Merlin. Aaand he wasn't done.

"Do you have a plaster? I scraped my knee falling for you."

"Oh lord. Look, Black-"

"Your kids will be cute...without the 'y'!"

"Ayyyy!!!" James whooped.

"Are you a snitch? Because your the finest catch here!"


"Are you a dementor? You take my breath away!"

"Technically it's the soul-"

"Oh, Rose, let him have it," Marlene looked at Sirius sympathetically- not that it affected him.

"You must play quidditch... I know a keeper when I see one!"

"Okay, Black, look-"

"No, no, no, my dear Rose," James interrupted, "He's not done! Go, Pads, go!!!"

"I might as well be under the Imperius Curse because I'd do anything for you."

"I ought to learn Occlumency because I can't get you out of my thoughts."

Okay, that was it, "Black, you have three seconds to leave."

"Awhhh, " he pouted, "Please can I say one more?"

"How many did you have written down?" you asked incredulously.

He smirked slightly sheepishly yet proudly, "394!"

"Oh god... fine...One. More."

"Wow! when I said accio hottie, I didn't expect it to work!"

You pinched the bridge of your nose, "Why do I even bother?"


You sat by the fireplace in the common room, all alone in the peace and quiet. It had been several months since the Welcome Feast but you had noticed that Sirius had kind of given up on you. Not entirely, of course.

He still sent you a boquet of roses, a box of chocolates and a massive teddy bear for Valentine's day- just like he did every year. He still gave you birthday presents along with Christmas ones.

But his obsession had died down a lot. Now, it wasn't to say you weren't happy a part of you just felt rather...empty. 

Every time you walked into a classroom that Sirius was in, you expected a vacant seat next to Sirius to which he would save for you and ask you to sit next to wasn't there anymore. You always expected the pick up lines every time he propped his arm on your shoulder... nothing anymore.

You weren't one of those people who craved that sort of attention so that wasn't why you were 'empty' without Sirius there. But then why did you feel so different without him.

Is it because...? No! It could never be because liked...loved him?!

Oh Godric's grave, you were in love with Sirius bloody Black. The worst part? You had loved him all this just covered it up and didn't realise yourself.

Damnit, Black.

"Hey, gorgeous," you recognised the voice of Sirius.

He sat down next to you and didn't hide his shock when you didn't complain.

You looked to him and smiled lightly causing him to frown, "Woah, I sit next to you and there's no complaints and then you smiled at me?! What have you done to the real Rose Dawson?"

You rolled your eyes with a grin before he spoke again, "I want to tell you something, Rose."

"The stage is all yours, Black."

"Okay, well, I had a whole speech but, uhm... spolier alert:...I-i love you!"

Woah. He loved you back? Well, you thought he just wanted to have a relationship that wouldn't last ages but would be worth it. You certainly didn't realise he loved you. You looked into his eyes.

"Sirius, I love you too," you whispered.

"You do?!" his eyes widened, "But-but all these years! You-I- We...huh?"

You chuckled, "I guess I never realised."

He stood up before grabbing your hands and brought you to your feet.

He started to whisper and he gently cupped your cheek with one hand and was about to put a hand on your waist but stopped himself and asked you, "Uh, is this okay? Do you mind?"

You nodded with a light smile, "It's more than okay."

He sighed in relief, knowing he had consent to touch you and lovingly placed a hand on your waist.

He whispered again, ever so slowly leaning down, "Well, in that case..."

He connected his lips with yours with loved and gradually pulled you closer to him when moving the hand that was cupping your cheek to your waist. With both arms wrapped around your waist and brought your bodies closer together. One of your hands went up to his hair while the other rested on his shoulder. The moment couldn't have been more perfe-

"Peter, shush!"

You immediately pulled apart due to the sudden voices and looked around.

You raised a brow at Sirius, "Looks like someone's here."

Sirius looked at you and smirked, "Three guesses who."

"Love, that's three guesses too many."

James, Remus and Peter came out of the shadows sheepishly before having a full-on fit, "Well, sorry for breaking this little love fest!"

"Oh, our two love birdies!"

"Finally grown up and ready to join the real world! Awhhhh!"

"Took you bloody long enough as well!" James huffed.

"Merlin's balls, we thought we'd be here spending the rest our days trying to get you together!" chimed in Remus.

"Well, just make sure-" started Peter.

"-no shagging," James and Remus finished off at the same time/

"No promises," Sirius grinned.


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