"Theo? W-why would something happen with Theo?" Naomi looked up from her phone, where she was ordering herself some food off of the online menu, attempting to hide her shocked expression. Did Liv know as well? No, she couldn't of. Who would of told her?

"Naomi, stop acting dumb, I just wanna know already" Liv stated, knowing Naomi couldn't lie, even if nothing was going on now, she wanted to at least know what happened last year

"I don't know what you're talking about" Naomi denied. Deny, deny, deny is all Naomi could think of. She was panicking so much right now, because all she could think was that Liv had seen her and Theo out together before, because how else would she know. Shit, who else might of seen them together.

"Naomi, I know. I been knowing"

"What do you supposedly know?" Naomi questioned, still trying to uphold the clueless facade.

"I know that Theo likes you and I think you like him"

Giving up at with her shitty lying, Naomi caved. "H-how did you-"

"I knew from last year" liv smiled at finally getting somewhere with Naomi

"Also Theo is currently blowing up your phone" She gestured towards Naomi's phone vibrating on the table

"Shit" Naomi cursed, quickly texting Theo that she'd call him when she got back home because she was too busy right now and him blowing up her phone was going to make her turn off her phone fully at this point.

"So did everyone just happen to find out last year and just not fucking tell me?" Naomi exclaimed


"Yes! You, Tiana, Elijah, Ollie and god knows who else at this rate" She listed off, ready to add any new names at this point.

"Tiana?" Liv furrowed her brows at the name of one of their bestfriends. She knew as well? They both knew and neither thought to talk to each other about it?

"Yes Tiana"

"Well i didn't know anyone else knew, i found out from Joe" Liv admitted

"Joe?" Naomi laughed, "I haven't spoken to Joe in ages, how would he know?"

"It's complicated" Liv laughed. "On Halloween when we had the afters at ours, Joe spoke to Theo and he said that Theo should tell the girl he likes that he likes them and then Theo looked over at you. Theo was like what are you on about and Joe said 'oh I was talking about Charlotte cause you kissed her in the courtyard but you just looked at Naomi so it's clear what your answer is'" Liv explained

Naomi listened intently on how another person had knowledge of her and Theo, without her even knowing, but one word stuck out to her mainly, "Halloween?" She asked

"Yes Halloween" Liv clarified

"As in Halloween in first year, a month into everyone first meeting each other, he's liked me since then?" Naomi asked, still shocked at his feelings being that early on. Maybe that almost kiss in his room when they hot boxed his room was the start of everything? Maybe he didn't have bad intentions behind it, maybe it wasn't the weed, maybe that was him finally showing his feelings in that moment and he didn't realise it.

"Well I think he was denying it to be honest, because remember how much you two argued"

"So you found out on Halloween?" Naomi concluded

"No, I wish. I would of loved to watch everything play out knowing all the information, but no. Joe never told me. I found out after Theo's match when he had that party"

"The party where you found me?" Naomi distinctly remembered her coming out of Theo's room and Liv had found her, causing Naomi to put a smile on her face and drag her to do shots. Anything to forget that kiss. The kiss which was the start of everything.

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