I sighed. Maverick had been giving me a few personal tutoring sessions to make up for me not paying attention in class since the first day I saw him. A lot of what I already learned, though, I picked up from just listening to him ramble. He liked to go on and on about a topic and I always made sure to pay close attention. He'd given me some great advice between ranting about anger and control.

I propped my head on my hand as my mind once again drifted. It was still so difficult to pay attention in Maverick's class, even though I now lived with him. His presence often distracted me when I was doing something at home. I never knew anything about the soulbound bond, but I hadn't expected it to be this bad. Truth be told, I expected to be rejected the moment I met my soulbound. I wasn't exactly considered star quality boyfriend material. Lately, however, Maverick had made me feel as if just maybe, I was amazing for him. What a thought. I hoped he needed me even half as much as I needed him.

The soulbound bond may have forced us together and even in a sense forced me to forgive him for his actions a lot sooner, but he was truly apologetic. Once I got to know him and his motivations a little, there was no way I could stay angry at him.

The class finally ended just as I began drifting off. The fatigue was still unexpectedly intense and staying awake sometimes required real effort. Maverick caught my eye and the corner of his mouth lifted. I wished I could just pull him home and curl up in his arms for a few hours.

Well, that wasn't going to happen. At least it was Friday, so classes ended at noon. After lunch, we were headed to the doctor. God, I couldn't wait for this day to end.


I was clearing the plates after lunch. I'd made us some pizzas since it was Evan's favourite. He'd never say it, but I knew he secretly couldn't wait for pizza Friday. I hoped the doctor's appointment would go well. Nathan had informally spoken to Evan quite a lot through the last two months, giving him tips, answering questions and commenting on things Evan mentioned. We'd only gone to one other appointment to check the baby's growth. Evan and Nathan were becoming close friends.

I'd put in a request for Evan to join my clan under the soulbound law, and was expecting it to go through any day now. Evan was so nervous, but I was sure everyone would love him at the traditional big clan party to celebrate our bonding.

I dried my hands on a dishtowel, having just finished cleaning up the dishes. "Ready to go?" I called through the house. I knew Evan was excited for this appointment to go well and wouldn't want to risk being late.

"Here," he said, rounding the corner.

I smiled contentedly. I'd bought him a bunch of new clothes, including paternity clothes from the women in my clan who made it. The soft blue shirt stretched nicely to accommodate his growing belly. His colouring was back to normal, perhaps even a little bit more tanned with all the time we'd spent outdoors these past few weeks. He'd loved reconnecting with the forest and it has made him so much stronger.

"Let's get going, then." I slapped him lightly on his ass as I walked past. He gave a scandalous gasp, but I knew he loved it.

I held open the door and closed it behind him, carefully spinning him on the porch until he faced me. "Before we go," I said. Before, whenever I would stop him to talk, he'd get this resigned look in his eyes. Now, however, I saw only love and trust shining there. I swallowed thickly. "I just wanted to tell you how happy you've made me. Five months ago, I wouldn't have imagined we would end up here, but I am so impossibly grateful that we did. I love you so much." His eyes widened. This was the first time I told him that I loved him, even though I'd assumed he must have known. "And I love our baby so much already. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together, and I hope you feel the same."

The Professor's Baby (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now