Alone Protects

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Mycroft sat in his giant living room, his head was resting on the back of the sofa, the tv was on but he wasn't paying attention, he was thinking. Sherlock and Dr Watson were in Wales solving a case, a woman was found dead in a cemetery with no indication of injury or ill health but an old shoe was placed next to her head and nobody knows why, Mycroft already had good ideas of what happened but Sherlock always has been slower then him.

Whatever was on TV suddenly finished and a loud advert advertising pizza suddenly snapped Mycroft out of his thoughts. He looked at the time and saw it was 20 to midnight and decided he may as-well go to bed. He'd been in the office all day and he'd was going to the Diogenes Club tomorrow to sit in silence alone again 'ugh your not a sociable person, stop feeling so alone' he told himself, when suddenly Sherlock entered his head saying 'how would you know?' He had to stop himself feeling so alone, so sad. He stood up and turned off the TV and walked to his room, his footsteps were all he could hear walking through the empty halls. He went to bed and thought about the case in wales again, he thought about Sherlock, about John, about John's daughter Rosie, about Molly, Greg Lestrade, 'hmm Lestrade' he thought, why had he stopped to think about Lestrade, he's never spent to much time with him, he's met him only a few times, he'd heard a lot about him from Sherlock, he knew he was a loyal good man, why was he thinking about him so much? Why did he want to see him? 'What is wrong with me at the moment' he thought again, stressed in his thoughts. Then he went to sleep.

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