A Painting Worth a Thousand Words

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Jungkook POV

Yesterday's nature trek was refreshing. It made me want to paint. I already told Ajumma if she can prepare for the materials today. I expected her to bring the materials to my cabin, but it's better than I expected... they set it up in front of the lake under a canopy shade.

This retreat is like one of those of our BTS run episodes but less constricting and more liberating. No cameras, no unwanted companions, and no semi-scripted activities. It's just me. Free. Carefree. And satisfied.

Speaking of carefree, I think Lisa once told me she wants help with painting. Maybe, I can ask her to join me. We are friends after all.

I knocked three times on her front door, but still no motions or sounds from the inside. I tried to knock again, when suddenly it opens.

A puffy-flushed-cheek girl wearing a "snuggle up" blue bunny printed pyjama with disheveled hair, which I find uncomfortably sexy. Her morning voice shuts my unbecoming thoughts to reverie.

"Good morning to you, Mr. Jeon. Aren't we too early for a morning walk again?" She gave me lopsided sleepy smile while rubbing her eyes.

I got to admit, her bareface is beautiful. I've seen a lot of beautiful girls but this girl in front of me is unconsciously beautiful in her own way. It's either she's not aware of it or she just don't care.

" You told me you want to paint. Ajumma prepared the materials for us near the lake. Are you in?" I kept my voice calm and cool.

Her face immediately brightened up as if she got herself a Christmas present.

"Am I in?!? You're asking me if I'm in?!? What kind of question is that, kook? Of course I am!" She excitedly said.

"Shall I wait for you or we'll just see each other near the lake then?" I asked her.

"Awww... I never thought you could be that of a gentleman, kook... but NO. You go ahead. I'll be very fast. Don't be too "sweet", kook, I might fall for you. Haha!"

She said it as if it was a joke but I unconsciously can't help to think... "Be careful what you wished for, Manoban, coz you might just get it".

But then, I just shrugged that thought of me wanting her to fall for me. Not now. Or maybe not ever. It would be unfair.

"Geeez, woman! You're handful indeed. Ajumma's right." I joked back.

"What? What? You're mean. Ajumma said I'm too adorable. And I couldn't agree more." Her faked-hurt face is enough to make my day.

"Aren't you going to prepare? Or we'll just stand here?."
I couldn't help but be amused by her reactions.

"Fine. Shoo. I'll get my self ready now, daddy." She mindlessly said.

With that she closed the door and left me rooted in front. She just called me "daddy". I know it sounds innocent to her, but I'm no innocent guy when someone calls me "daddy". It feels wrong but it also feels exciting.

Damn! I should be thinking straight. This is not right.

Lisa POV

I wore my favorite ripped jeans paired with a white cotton tunic top. I wore my Dr. Martens Myles black sandal. And to finish my look I put my hair in a half-messy bun. I ditched the make up. It's not like I'm going on a date or something. Of course, I'm with Jeon Jungkook. I think we are friends that i'm comfortable enough to look like a homeless man.

And then, I thought.

He's probably not over her anyway. It would be a waste to fall for someone who might see you as a substitute.

RETREAT (Liskook/Lizkook inspired): CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now