Chapter twenty seven

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"Y'all got three minutes." Jameson said stepping out the doorway so they could walk in. They followed them into the building and came to a stop. "It all started a couple months ago. We all went down to Mexico to do some business with a man named Fernando Cortez. Ring any bells?" Cree asked. "Nah it don't." Gerald said. "Well when we got there I noticed he was a lil weird. I had a bad feeling about him so I started sneaking around his house in places I wasn't supposed to be. And that's when I saw her." Cree said. "My baby?" Gerald asked. Cree nodded his head. "She was terrified. Running for her life from somebody. But when she saw me she ran to me she trusted me. I came face to face with the man who was chasing her and I killed him. Then I took Carly and me and Jorge left." Cree said.

"So nigga you Jorge?" Gerald asked looking over at him. "Nah that's Diego." Jameson said. "Nah he right i'm Jorge." Jorge said. "Good to know. Keep going with the story y'all time almost up."Gerald said. "We got Carly out of there and came back later to kill everyone that hurt her. Everyone involved died a terrible death for what they did to her and all the other women and children there." Cree said. "I'm assuming you know that we have your little friends. Where do they play into all this?" Gerald asked. "Amber was there with Carly. We saved her to. While she was there she looked out for her as much as she could." Jorge said. "Take me to my daughter. Now." Gerald said. "Not until you release my friends." Jorge said. "Nigga that ain't happening til my baby in my arms." Gerald said.

"How do I know they're okay? I seen the blood someone was shot. Now let me see them I have to know they alright." Jorge said. "Nah. Cause how I know if my daughter okay? She already traumatized and sick. It's no telling what else y'all did to her." Gerald said. "We haven't been nothing but kind to Carly. We took her in and treated her as if she was one of ours and this how you wanna repay us? Nigga if it wasn't for me your daughter could be dead. Show some fucking respect and gratitude." Cree said feeling himself getting mad. "Nigga ion owe you a damn thing. Ion gotta believe this bullshit ass story y'all telling me. Far as I know y'all the ones who took my daughter and raped her. So fuck all you niggas. Y'all can die right now." Gerald said putting his gun up to Cree's head.

"Woah what's going on out here?" Jason asked as he entered the room. "If you wanna see your daughter again you need to take that gun away from my brothers head. Cause if it go off ain't nobody walking out of here alive." June said. "Gerald he right, chill out so we can get Carly and go." Jameson said. "Listen to your friend." Jorge said. "Jason you go with one of them to go get Carly. Me and Jameson gone stay here and make sure these niggas don't go no where." Gerald said. "June take him." Jorge said. "You outta yo damn mind not til I know that my lil brother safe. Ian leaving him here with this nigga." June said. "June you know I won't let anything happen to Cree. It wouldn't be smart for you to stay just go and get Carly so we can get this over with." Jorge said. "Creation." June said. "I'm good bro just go. You know me." Cree said. "I'll be right back. Come on." June said before walking out the door. Jason followed behind him.


"Cj you ready to go?" Seven asked. She heard a knock on the door and knew it was Moms coming to get them. "Yeah i'm ready." Cj said hopping off the couch. Seven made sure Bailey was all buckled in her car seat before she opened the door. But the person on the other side wasn't who she was expecting. "Krissy??" She said. "Oh Seven. I wasn't expecting you to be here. Where's Creation?" Krissy said. "He isn't here right now and I thought he told you not to call him that." Seven said. "Well when is he gonna be back? I need to talk to him." Krissy said. "I'm not sure but I know he doesn't wanna talk to you so you should go." Seven said crossing her arm. Krissy laughed. "I'm sorry but i'm not leaving unless he tells me to. I didn't even know you two were still a thing. Guess he forgot to mention it last time we spoke." Krissy said.

"Bitch please you knew me and him were still together." Seven said rolling her eyes. "I wasn't trying to be funny or anything. Is my son here?" Krissy asked. "Your son?" Seven repeated with a small laugh. "You don't even take care of him or come see him so how is he your son?" She asked. Krissy was a little surprised Seven said that. "Well I did give birth to him." She said. "That doesn't mean anything. Look Krissy you should go. Creation isn't home so there's no reason for you to still be standing here." Seven said. "Mommy i'm ready." Cj said walking over to Seven. He held onto her leg as he looked up at Krissy. "Was he talking to you?" Krissy asked. "Well he obviously wasn't referring to you. He doesn't know you.." Seven said.

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