Prison and The Power Stone

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Alex Pov

"Alex Bucky Barnes. An immortal Powerful Super Soldier. Alias is Winter Soldier. Caught her a bunch of times. She was selling weapons. But escaped before we can apprehend her. We only cause her once." Yeah loser. I'll escape again.

Location: The Kyln

"I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the law but these ones here they're corrupt and cruel." Hell yeah they are." But hey that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons. This one's no different-"

"Be quiet rocket." I said. I have a massive headache. We were walking through the prison. They gave me a yellow bathing suit and mat.

"Why am I the only one with a shock collar?" That rude. They really think I'm dangerous. No one answers me.

I can't wait to leave. I should have stay on earth. I was asleep. "Quill where are you going?" Rocket said to Quill. Quill soon left. "Quill!"

Me and rocket follow Quill. "Quill?" We watch Gamora attack the other prisoner. "Quill what are you Doing."

Damn she can handle herself. Nevermind she was grab by the throat by a buff guy."Hey! Hey hey hey! Hey!" Quill repeated to say.

"Oh crap." Rocket said quiet next to me." You know if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose I don't think this is the best way to go about it." Quill said.

"Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?" Buff guy asked. "Well I mean she hardly the first woman to try and do that to me. Look this from a smoking hit Rajak girl." Probably deserve that. "Stabbed me with a fork" I wish I could have seen that.

"Didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise." This is why I don't sleep. I don't want to be attack by some lady. "I got this right here a kree girl tried to rip out my thorax." Haha.

"She caught me with this skinny little A'askavariian who worked in Nova Records. I was trying to get information. You ever see an A'askavariian? They have tentacles and needles for teeth."

Ew that I don't even know what to say. "If you think I'm seriously interested in that then..." He stop talking for a second. "You don't care. Here the point. She betrayed Ronan. He's coming back for her. And when he does that's when you..."

I stop listening in because I was getting bored. I just want to go home and pretend like this never happened. It these idiots that i got caught for a second time.

We soon left the room. They were talk about the and money. "So we are splitting it 5 ways. They were talking about escaping here.

Soon all hell broke lose because of Groot. I was fighting some guard. I was son down with them in flew up to the watchtower.

Guards with big gun were shooting the window. "We need to hurry up." The windows were breaking. The guard were flying." I told you. I have a plan." Can't wait to go home We went to Peter ship. I was in my room cleaning my gun.

Location: knowhere

We landed on the planet. We meet the collector. He was talking about the Infinity Stones. What he doesn't know I have one inside my body. I have powers from all the stones.

Some alien girl touch the power stone. It started to shoot. "We need to get out of here." I hide behind a table. While the stone exploded.

"Is everyone okay?" I said no one answered me. They were arguing about the stone. A little Backstory of me I got my powers from the Infinity Stone's.

Time skip

Me and Groot saved Drax from this yellow goo. Rocket soon join us. They were arguing about saving gamora and Peter. "Groot right. Gamora and Peter need to be saved." I said to rocket.

"Why are shooting a big ship?" We soon got peter and gamora. I went back to my room. I let them argue like a kid about getting a stone. I soon join them again."I'll help too quill."

"We'll get the stone back." I said on to them. I can feel the power stone. "Can we land better next time?" We had a hard landing in Ronan ship.

"It's a creepy ship." I said.

Time skip to the room with Ronan.

He blast us back. Soon rocket came crashing his ship into Ronan. Ronan ship was falling out of the sky. Groot was using his body to shield us. "Rocket it's okay he knows what his doing." I know how rocket feels. I don't want to lose Groot too

"It okay rocket I'm here with you." Soon we seen Ronan exit his ship. Rocket ran towards Roman. Quill started to sing to ronan. I see the powers stone in his staff. Drax shot the staff.

I ran towards it I grab it before him. I started to scream. I look to my friends. "It's okay." I felt tears run down my face. "Why Alex?" They ran towards." Because I saving you guys and the power."

"You guys matter to me. I'll do anything to save you. Even if it means giving up my life to protect you guys." It hurt so much. "You can't leave us." I had a sad smile.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise. You guys are family. Don't forget get that. Come here rocket." I pulled him into a hug.

I soon fell to the ground. I felt it enter my body. I felt so tired. "Hey stay wake." I'm trying to keep my eyes open.

"The Infinity Stone's give me my power. They won't kill me. They can't. Ever if they wanted too. But i have one inside me. It's called the mind stone. But if anyone take it or destroy it. I'm dead."I said as I sat up. "They are dangerous if they get into Thanos hand. Who the fuck know that he'll do with them."

"I can't let him get them. I can't see a future that he doesn't get them. Every future, timeline, and universe he gets him." What your gain Thanos. What do you need them for? It has to be bad.

I soon pass out.

The Ultimate Soldier¹ ~ Wanda MaximoffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora