Stopping Ultron

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Wanda will not be there when vision is made. She will be with Alex. Doing who what. Y'all better not be making out. Also vision can't lift the Thor hammer.

Alex Pov

After we got the train to stop. Wanda went to go check on her brother. "I'm very tempted not to give you one." Really Steve. "Come one Steve he help." I shook my head.

"The cradle. Did you get it?" Wanda asked me and Steve. "Stark will take care of it." No shit. He cause this problem. Are we even sure he will fix this. "Not liking a stark right." I said no one in particular."no he won't" yup." She right he won't. He cause this mess in the first place. Not trust stark right." Never trust a stark. I watch my home country get bomb because him.

"You don't know what you're talk about. Stark not crazy." I groan. "Yeah he is. He crazy. If he wasn't crazy. This wouldn't happen in the first place." I said.

"He will do anything to make things right." Wanda said to Steve. Yup she right. "Stark come in. Stark." Who the hell knows what Tony doing?" See he not answering the comms." I said  to Steve. "Anyone on comms?" Steve said on the comms.

"Ultron can't tell the difference-" Because of Tony. "Between saving and  destroying it. Where do you think hers that?" Wanda said.

"He gets it from Tony. What she saying is true Steve." I shook my head. My phone went off. I look to see a text message from Clint.

Ultron has nat

Fuck really

We will get her back. Don't do anything stupid.

Ok I won't

Fuck he so dead. "Are you okay?" I look to see wanda sitting next to me. "Ultron has my friend. She more like family to me." Wanda rubbed my back with her hand. "I'm sure you guys Will get her back."

"Can I asked you something?" I nodded my head yes. "Where are we?" After stop the train and talking to Steve and the twins. I super speed Wanda and I to my safe house. "It my home after I lost my last one." She look around.

"Are you hungry?" She shook her head yes. "I'll make you something homemade. Sit in that chair. "I pointed at the chair at my dining table.

I started to make my favorite just hopes she like it. I hope Tony and Bruce aren't doing anything stupid. Pietro and Steve went to them. I hope Pietro not mad about me taking his sister.

I just wanted her safe. "Your chest is glow." Damn it mind stone. "Yeah I know it always seem to glow when we are around each other." I saw a blush appear on her . She had a smile.

Soon the food was done. "Here you go it's my favorite. I hope you like it." We started eating the food. My phone ding again. It was Clint.

We got a new teammates name vision. He's not human.

So He a microwave

Funny no he's an AI human.

Hell no we don't need no AI. I Hate AI


I never did. I didn't even like Jarvis.

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