He takes me off the ground, and I say, "Wait I remember. Let me try again."

When my feet touch the mat, I bring my right foot-my uninjured one-around the back of his, curling it behind his heel. He tries to lift me again, but I stay in place. "Good girl."

He lets go, but I stand there for a moment longer biting my cheek. Even through our time of reflection and impending doom, I can't help the spark of desire from burning brighter inside of me-it's always lit, always flickering and longing to grow and consume me from the inside out. I knew this lesson would only prove the truth of the words I spoke to my mother: I would do anything for him. When the Goddess paired us and made me his, she whispered in my ear and said take him-he's yours.

David swipes me from my thoughts when he skillfully brings me to the mat in one calculated swoop, turning and stealing my breath, but placing me with care. "Maybe I should have listened when you told me you'd be distracted," he says above me. "What's going on in your head, Brigette? What's more important than my teaching?"

"I just..." my voice dies. I just love you so much these days, I think to myself. I love you so much that it whisks my thoughts to heavenly places and I lose myself there. "I'm sorry."

He takes my hands and helps me to my feet. "There's a lot going on, isn't there?"

"Too much, I think."

"Alright. How about we cut this short? I'll finish things up and come home early. We'll send your parents a lovely dinner, we'll let my father roam the cliffs, we'll give Helena the night off, and we'll have dinner just the two of us," he suggests knowing I'll agree.

"Please." I tuck my hair behind my ears. "That sounds perfect."

"Go on then," he says and looks to Jeremy. "I'll see you soon."

I give David a hopeful, sweet smile before nodding and jogging off to Jeremy. Jeremy peers up from his phone for a second then asks, "Have you given up already?"

I roll my eyes and tug at his arm. "Come on, let's go. We've got work do to."

"Now you want to work?"

"If I tell you you're funny, will you get a move on?"

Jeremy stares, unamused, then stands from the bench. "Why the hurry?"

"David is coming home early so we can have dinner together, and I want to get everything done before then so I don't have to think about it later."

"I'm..." he pats my shoulder, "I'm actually impressed. Is this my effect on your work ethic? I like to think I've been a good influence on you."

"You've taught me well," I say as we start walking back to the house.

"Well then, let's go get started on those emails. Last time I checked, we have seven responses out of the eighteen we sent. I also saw an update from Bonny regarding Russia and the leadership she spoke to there. The Union will send out formal ballots in two months. Because the members you met have already voted, we just need these incoming votes to keep us in the majority ratio.

"There is a European meeting taking place in Germany before the ballots are sent, and I think it could really help if you spoke there."

"Spoke in Germany?" I question. "You mean, if I went to Germany?"

"It would be a quick trip. Only two nights. Late next month; a week after Luna Godoy's scheduled visit. Of course, you'll have to speak with the Alpha because he will not be able to accompany you."

My face falls. "There's no way. He'll never let me go somewhere alone."

Jeremy says, "You wouldn't be entirely alone. I would travel with you, attend the meeting. We could also bring a guard."

"Do you think he would let me? I mean, he wouldn't keep me here and lock me up, but I'd want to go with his blessing."

"You're having dinner tonight. Why don't you bring it up and see how he feels about it?"

I sigh. "It's worth a try. I'll see what I can do."

"Good, because I think there's a real chance you can do this, Brigette. The Lunas want change."

Jeremy stays at the house for four hours then leaves me with the last hour of work. There are times of distraction, lunch and jokes and arguments, but we manage to finish. We even begin drafting my destined-to-be-spectacular speech for Germany with hopes that David will be okay with it. It's easy to get lost in the 'what-ifs' with Jeremy.

Helena leaves for the night by the time I leave my workstation at the dining table. I clear it off so David and I will have space for plates and cutlery, then determine that we'll cook dinner together. I hop up the steps and nearly skip into the bedroom to clean myself up. Afterward, I call one of the picturesque little restaurants in town and order dinner for both my parents and Ken, including desserts and personal notes. Everything-for the first time in a long time-feels like it's coming together flawlessly, and I think that I've done it; I've made the right decisions, and I've gotten myself to where I need to be.

There's no use in doubting my run-away attempt, or my submission to our bond, or my dedication to being Luna. I return downstairs and brainstorm possible dinner recipes from Helena's recipe book as I wait for David, flipping through pages and thinking everything looks good.

Then an hour passes.

And another. And I try to call David's phone.

Dinner time comes and goes, and I find myself in the shadowed kitchen alone.

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