Singing to the Sunshine

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 Lilly and Doc began to hum a tone and I listened to it

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 Lilly and Doc began to hum a tone and I listened to it. "Hello muddah, hello faddah. Greetings from Camp Marijuana." Lilly sang. Oh. "Big bud's good here." Lilly and Doc together. "Hash is better." Doc sang with a small pause. "I'm so stoned that I can hardly write this letter." Doc sang. Lilly rolled her eyes at him. "I got high with Steven Beck." I sang and Doc looked over at me. "He claimed to see pink bears." I sang. "Here we are. Cannabis country." Lilly said and I began to giggle. "Oh my God. Those aren't pot leaves, dear." Murphy said, pinching his nose. "They're maple leaves. Those are Canadian flags." Murphy said, pointing at the flags. "Oh. Canada." Lilly said. "Muddah, Faddah kindly disregard this letter." I sang to myself.

"So this is Canada." 10k asked. "Newmerica's probably less than two day's drive now." Doc said. "Barring any unforeseen zombie action." Lilly said. Doc turned his head before he spoke. "Well what do you say, chief?" Doc asked Warren. "She's not the chief anymore. She said so herself." Murphy said and I looked over at him. "Shut up, Murphy." Doc said. You know it's bad when Doc is done with one's shit. Doc turned back to Warren. "Are we doing this?" He asked her. "We're doing this." Warren said, throwing a pine needles to the ground. "Frozen waste land of peace, here I come." Murphy said. "Kinda seems too good to be true." 10k piped up. "Yeah, I know what you mean, kid." Doc said before he looked back at the building in front of me. "I remember when Newmerica was called California." Doc added, looking over at Murphy. ...Shit.

"It's just so hard to believe anything anymore." Doc said and I looked up at him. "Yeah, well I'm back to believing in nobody but myself." Murphy said and I turned to him. Wouldn't you want to live for your daughter's legacy? "I'm still alive, and I keep going." Murphy said. I hate this man. I despise this man with every fibre of my being. "Yeah, you're like a cockroach that way." Warren said to Murphy. "Yeah, well you know what they say about cockroaches?" Murphy asked. Don't say it. "They survive. And I plan to keep on surviving thank you very much." Murphy said. Does he always have to get the last laugh? The last word in? This fucking child. "Well I never." I said, shaking my head. "You never what?" Murphy asked. He turned to me and I stared. "You never finish." He added. I took a deep breath in. Don't roll your eyes. Don't roll your eyes. Be a lady, don't roll your eyes.

There was a growl behind us and I turned to look behind us. "Oh, tabernac!" Murphy said, running at the zombies. "Warren, check your three." Lilly said and Warren ran off. "More coming, Sarge. 12 o'clock." 10k said. I dropped my club off my shoulder and set the end on the ground. I looked around at the group. Warren quickly dealt with the zombies. Murphy and Doc played with them as did Lilly as 10k took care of the zombies. I pushed my club away from me as I stood there. I heard a snarl behind me and turned around. The zombies walked closer to me as I raised my club. The zombie stopped and stared at me, making me stare back. I waved my hand in front of it, but it didn't do anything. I blinked at it as I kept my hand there. I bent down, looking it in the face. The zombie didn't do anything as I pushed my glasses up. What the hell is going on?

The zombie looked up at me and took a step back. I rested my club on my shoulder. This is weird. I heard more growling and I turned to see another zombie. It was coming right at me. I pushed my glasses up. Some normalcy, I thought I was going crazy. I whacked the zombie and took it's head clean off. I stared down at the head as it kept biting at my shoes. "Sorry." I said. I raised my leg up and slammed my heel into its head. "Mercy." I said and I turned to the other zombie. It was still just standing there. "You're kind of creepy." I said to it. The zombie turned back up to me and raised its hand. Scratch that, it is creepy. "Ok, bubby. Back you go." I said, turning it around. The zombie just walked away. This is beyond creepy.

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