Bath With Clothes on

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I sat there as Sun Mei cleaned my right palm. The sun felt kind of nice right now. I closed my eyes and turned to the sun. "Almost done." Sun Mei told me and I nodded. "I'm not in pain. Just enjoying the sun." I told her. "I see." Sun Mei said back. "Now kid, if that hurts, you just let me know." Doc said as I lowered my head. I opened my eyes to stare at him. "I'm good Doc." I said and he smiled. "Of cause you are." He said as he rubbed my head. I laughed as I tried to stop him with one hand. There was small sharp pain in my hand. "Ow." I said as I turned to Sun Mei. "Don't move." She told me and I dropped my head. "Sorry." I said and she shook her head at me.

"What's happening here?" Red asked and I looked over at her. "Doc interrupted my photosynthesis." I said and she nodded. "I see." She said slowly. "I was giving her a nuggie." Doc said and Red made an enlightened sound. "And that's what happens when you get too many." I said, pointed at Doc. "Hey, I got a lot of head love." Doc said and I stared at him. "I'm sure people give those to bully someone." 10k said. I watched as he rested his head on Red's. She raised her hand up and patted his arms. "There, all done." Sun Mei said and I looked down. She held a small rock in her tweezers. "Thanks Doctor." I said and she smiled at me. We all stared at each other for a movement before someone stood to block the sun from us. I turned and looked up at a Marine. It was the one that was talking calmly to that guy. "Come with us, please." He said and we all nodded.

"We have no information regarding its whereabouts or its position. What we do know is that the convoy is overdue. It's possible they're lost or have run into mechanical difficulties. This, however, does not change our objective or our time frame." He told us. I stared at him for a moment. "You've been telling us to be patient, to stand by, to stay put. But what if this convoy isn't coming? Then we're staying put, wasting our resources that we could be-" the guy I ran into said. "I understand your frustration." The head Marine said back to him. "How can you? We've survived this long by moving, hiding, trusting only ourselves. Now you want us to trust you. But here, out in the open, exposed to the elements, we're sitting zombie bait." He said and I turned to him.

"We don't have a choice. Now we can sit and complain about the state of things or we can be proactive and find a solution. And that's what I intend to do. The convoy was headed down this road. Based on our last contact, it would have to be between here and here." The head Marine said. I don't know what rank he is. "That's almost ten miles." The guy I ran into said. I turned back to him. "It is what it is." The leader Marine said. I could feel someone's stare on me. "The convoy has munitions and supplies necessary to feed and protect us on our trek North. Without it, we are at a severe disadvantage." Leader Marine said, as the staring when on. "That one Marine can't stop staring at you." Doc whispered in my ear and I turned to look at him.

"I am calling upon two able-bodied volunteers to join myself, Sergeant Czarnecki, and Private Lilly on a search party to track down the convoy and help lead it to camp. It's dangerous, but not acting is more dangerous." The leader Marine said and I turned back to him. "We'll go." 10k said. "Mm hmm." Doc sounded. "It's okay. I'll be back. I promise." 10k said Red. "I'll see to it." Doc said to Red. I turned to look up at Doc. "Well I ain't got nothing else to do." He said. "Good. Leave in 10. The rest of you need to rotate standing guard until we return. Sergeant Czarnecki will give you ammunition if you need it." Leader Marine said and we all nodded.

I stood at the opening and looked around. "This is just great." I heard that guy say and I watched as he passed. I walked over the picnic table and leaned back on it. I crossed my arms as everyone walked out of the tent. Doc was shaking a box in his hand as he kept walking. Red and 10k were whispering to each other as they walked to the gate. The Marines walked out after them. I stared at Private Lilly for a moment. "Private Lilly." I called and she turned to face me. "Hey, what's up?" She asked, walking over to me. "I just wanted to say...uh thanks for early." I said as I scratch the back of my head. "You did already." She said. "Right, but it's nice to hear it again." I said. She slowly frowned and I raised my hand. "Oh. I ran into someone and fell." I said and looked back up at me. "It doesn't hurt." I told her and she nodded. "Private." I heard and she turned. "Good luck out there." I said. "Thanks." She said and I smiled. "You're welcome." I said back. "See ya." She said and I smiled at her. I watched as she walked off and up to everyone else.

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