A Hurricane of Unwarranted Justice

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I pleased my hand on the window as the SUV sped up and bumped on the uneven road. The SUV picked up speed and bumped on the road. My hand slid forward and I sighed. "Hey, can we slow it down a little?" Doc asked. Murphy moaned as he was shacked awake. "He's still with us." Doc said. "Where are we anyway?" Murphy weakly asked. "Looks like we just blew through what's left of Eerie, Indiana." Sergeant Lilly said. "I spent some time there pre-Apocalypse. Good people." Doc said and I turned to him. "Kinda weird, but man they like to party." Doc said and I nodded. Warren hit the gas and we went faster. Too fast for anyone to walk away from a crash. Well not a zombie anyway. "Lieutenant Warren?" Sergeant Lilly started "Watch out for that...'' I heard a loud thump and turned to see what was left of a zombie. "...Zombie." She added.

"You know statistically, 25 people died in speeding accidents a day, pre-Apocalypse." I said. "Why would you say that?" Lucy asked. "It's just a fact." I said softly. "Nerd." I heard 10k mutter. "Warren, the kid is right. I know it's the Apocalypse and all, but could you maybe slow down a little?" Doc asked. Warren didn't hear Doc at all as she just sped up. I just stared out the window for a second, before turning to face Warren. I saw her head turn slightly. We turned so quickly I fell into 10k. "Ow." He said. " I am so sorry." I said back to him. "What the hell, Warren?!" Doc asked. "Where are we going?" Lucy asked. But Warren didn't say anything. Murphy began to moan and gasp. I bent down to look at him. "He's going into cardiac arrest!" Doc yelled up to Warren.

Warren just kept driving. "He don't look so good." 10k said. "Thanks for the diagnosis." Doc said. " Stop the car!" Lucy said. "Warren! For the love of Pete and Pete, pull over!" Doc yelled. "This isn't going to end well." I said. " Stop talking." Lucy yelled at me. "He's going to turn." 10k said. "Lieutenant Warren? Lieutenant Warren?" Sergeant Lilly called out and Warren was keeping speed. We're going to crash and be a statistic. "Warren, stop! Warren!" Lilly called out and Warren slammed on the breaks. I hit my head on the headrest in front of me and groaned. "Sweet baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary." I said as I grabbed my forehead. Is everyone ok? Are my glasses broken? I got out of the SUV and stood there in the sun. The heat was still warm, but not as hot as before.

"We've got a ticking man here. He might turn any minute." Sergeant Lilly's voice pulled me back and I turned to her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said anything about turning?" Murphy asked. He pushed Seregant Lilly away and I walked over to her. "I'm fine. See?" Murphy said, walking away from us. "You ok?" I asked Lilly. "I'm-" There was vomiting and I turned to see Murphy throwing up his guts. "Let's get him inside." Warren said. "Zombies! Six o'clock!" 10k yelled and I turned to see them. I followed the group with Murphy. Doc and Lucy set Murphy on the table. He was going to die, to turn. We're locking ourselves in a small room with a guy who's going to turn into a mad zombie.

"Help him!" Lucy screamed. "There's not much we can do." Doc said. "He's not gonna turn on us, is he?" 10k asked and I reached behind me and grabbed my butterfly knife tucked in the waistband of my pants. "What is he talking about?" Murphy asked. "Don't worry. We got your heart started again." Doc said as he looked at 10k. "That is, if it was beating in the first place." Doc added and 10k made a face. "You've been in and out of consciousness, man." Doc said to Murphy. Murphy moaned in pain again. "Hey, maybe you're still immune." Lucy said as Murphy tried to sit up. "I've been cured six ways to hell and back. That's gotta be good for something, right?" Murphy asked and I raised my other hand to my face. "I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I don't think you're out of the woods yet." Doc said to Murphy. He's not going to make it.

"Maybe we should uh..." 10k stopped and I turned to Doc. Doc walked up to him as I watched Murphy. "I know. I was thinking the same thing." Doc said and they talked to each other. We should do something soon. He's suffering. "What are you two talking about?" Murphy asked. "Nothing, you know, just... precautions." Doc said and I saw 10k pull something out. "What are you doing?" Lucy said. "We can't just let him turn. We need to restrain him." 10k said and Lucy looked at us. "He's right." I said, letting my knife go. "If he turns, it will be you who he goes after first." I said to her. "What? No! No! Warren, tell them to stop." Lucy said. Murphy's eyes rolled back and he began to fall. "Oh, he's crashing again." Doc said as Lucy tried to help her father. "There he goes." He added. "No." Lucy cried. "I don't feel a pulse." Doc said.

Water LillyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora