Chapter 26: Captain Puffy

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"Hey, Purpled." Captain Puffy said, reaching down to help him up.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, accepting her help.

"I met someone who had evidence of her friends being here, and I had evidence of you being here, so we teamed up. I just came to this building because I saw the lizard monster."

"How did you get here?" Purpled asked as they walked towards the elevator.

"A bit of magic and a boat."


"Don't worry about it." she laughed.

The elevator doors opened. Two serious-looking business people were standing inside.

"I don't think you are supposed to be here." the woman inside said, looking at the disheveled teen.

Puffy stepped on Purpled's foot. He quickly changed his skin. "Actually, I am." he said.

The man inside gasped. The woman's mouth gaped open.

Puffy entered the elevator and pressed the button for the bottom floor.

"Did he-" the woman asked.

"Did he what?" Puffy asked.

"I've worked here for a long time." The man said. "I know everyone who works her. I've never seen you."

"We're just visiting." Puffy said.

The man looked at her suspiciously. "What is your name?"

"Caroline. Call me Cara."

"Grayson." Purpled said.

"Last names?"

Puffy said nothing.

The elevator dinged. The doors opened. Puffy walked out, Purpled following close behind.

They quickly left the building, changing their skins at the last minute.

Two boys ran up to them. "What the heck? Why did you leave?" one of them asked.

"Sorry. I had to check something out. Anyway this is Captain Puffy. That's Nico and Grover." Purpled said.

"Oh, you're Piper's friends." Puffy said.

"You know her?" Grover asked.

"Yeah, I met her a couple days ago. She's waiting for us."

"Where?" Grover asked.

Captain Puffy pointed to the top of the hotel across the street, where a giant warship was resting.

"Is that the Argo II?" Grover squinted up at the ship.

"No." Puffy said. "That's my ship."


"How do we get up there?" Nico asked.

"Do you guys have ender pearls?" Purpled asked. "I have some if you need them."

"What are those?" Grover asked.

Purpled and Puffy exchanged a glance.

"They make you teleport." Puffy said. She pulled out two pearls, offering them to Nico and Grover. "Here. Just throw it on the roof."

She pulled out her own pearl, tossing it up to the top of the hotel. She landed next to the boat.

"Did you get it figured out?" Piper called from the ship.

"Yeah, and I found some of your friends." Puffy replied as Purpled appeared on the rooftop, followed by Nico and Grover.

Piper lowered the gangplank. Puffy climbed onto the ship.

Piper offered her her captain's hat. Puffy took it. "Thanks."

"Hey Piper." Grover said.

"Hey." Piper said. "Where are the others?"

"They're using other methods of transportation to get back to Long Island." Nico said.

Puffy looked at Purpled. "Ranboo's taking Tubbo and Leo, and Wilbur, Tommy, and Quackity are going in an RV with Percy, Annabeth, and Clarisse."

"What about Niki?"

"What about her?"

"Niki went missing too. Wasn't she with one of you?"

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