Chapter 12: Tommy

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Tommy followed Wilbur into the room where he was supposed to meet Philza. It had been a little difficult to get into the casino due to the fact that he looked as young as he was. But they had managed it, with only a little trouble with the guards.

When he entered the room, he saw someone standing over Quackity. Purpled? 

Purpled shot a fireball, hitting Quackity.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Tommy yelled, lunging at Purpled, sword drawn.

Purpled blocked easily. His eyes widened slightly when he saw Wilbur.

"Tommy, wait." Wilbur said, catching Tommy's arm.

"He just killed Quackity!" Tommy protested, trying to tug his arm free.

"Quackity's not dead. He's still breathing."

"Doesn't change the fact that he tried to kill Quackity!"

Wilbur turned to Purpled, eyes cold and disapproving. "Why?" he asked.

"I was offered a deal, and I took it." Purpled responded, his expression matching Wilbur's.

"I don't think you should have done that." Wilbur said.

What the hell is he doing? Tommy thought. There's no reasoning with this idiot.

"I'll worry about that." Purpled said.

"You don't want to kill. You don't want to be a monster."

"I'm not a monster."

"That's what you want to think. That's what you tell yourself so you can sleep soundly at night. You don't like what you've done, so you deny it. You're the only minor Dream hasn't manipulated or hurt in some way. You think no one noticed that?"

Tommy frowned. Wilbur was right. Dream had never done anything to Purpled.

"Why is that, Purpled? Why has Dream left you alone?"

Tommy flinched, reminded of when he had gotten trapped in the Prison. When he had... Tommy shook his head. This wasn't the time.

"How should I know? I don't know why Dream does anything he does."

"There's no way anyone could know why Dream  does what he does. But you know why he hasn't done anything to you."

"And how would you know."

"You think I'm insane, like everyone else. And maybe I am. But-" Wilbur stepped forward.

"I'm-" step.

"Always-" step.

"Right." he stopped right in front of Purpled. "And I know that the reason Dream never did anything to you is because he knows, and you know, and I know, that you have been through hell. Where were you before the SMP, Purpled?"

Purpled stepped back, not answering. He seemed scared. Tommy smirked. The assassin, scared. But Tommy was also curious. Where had Purpled been before the SMP?

"Where would you have gotten all your training? Techno didn't train you. You're almost as good as him, an achievement anyone on the SMP would want. You haven't told anyone, so I can't know for sure, but I think I know where you're from, Purpled."

"And where is that?" Purpled asked, the fear showing in his eyes.


Tommy gasped. Hypixel was a place where people fought to the death. No one knew much about Hypixel, just that the people inside were trained fighters, and that no one escaped alive. No one knew the location except the people who worked there. The people who worked there were cruel people that took people away from their homes to fight to the death. And they fought for entertainment. Wilbur had to be wrong. But Purpled's expression betrayed the truth. He was from Hypixel.

"So tell me, Purpled." Wilbur rocked back on his feet. "Did you work with them, or did you escape?"

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