Chapter 18: Tubbo_

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"Think we should stop them?" Tubbo asked.

"Probably." the satyr beside him answered. "Clarisse will kill your friend if we don't."

"What is he, anyway?" the other boy, Nico, asked.

"Ranboo? He just is." Tubbo said.

"Is what?" Nico asked.

"Is." Tubbo said, not answering the question. He didn't like the way Nico was talking about Ranboo. Like he was some sort of monster.

"He's pretty good." Nico muttered. "Clarisse could have killed most monsters his size by now. And he doesn't look like he would be very good at fighting."

"He's not a monster." Tubbo snapped. "And of course he's good. Why wouldn't he be?" he turned his attention back to the fight.

"Why are we fighting again?" Ranboo asked.

"You attacked me first." the girl, Clarisse, said.

"I pulled out a sword. That doesn't mean I was attacking you, it means I felt threatened."

"Threatened by what?"

"I don't know, the fact that you were glaring at me with murderous rage while holding a spear?"

Tubbo loaded his crossbow. No fireworks this time.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the satyr, Grover asked.

Clarisse faltered, confused by the enderman hybrid's words.

Tubbo took this as an opportunity and shot the spear out of her hand. He was about to walk over to Ranboo when seven other people walked into the clearing. Tubbo recognized the girl he had saved back at the fountain, as well as the other people he had seen there. One familiar face stood out to him.


Tommy looked over, grinning as he saw Tubbo.

Tubbo and Tommy went towards each other and hugged.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" Tubbo said.

Tommy laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that. Is that Ranboo?"

"Yeah, Ranboo and I came to find you since you, Wilbur, and Quackity went missing. Well, no one cared about Wilbur, but Ranboo and I cared about you and we thought Karl and Sapnap would be happy if Quackity came back. We heard you were at the casino, so we were going there, but we ran into a weirdly aggressive girl and a nice satyr and an emo guy. The aggressive girl attacked Ranboo so I shot the spear out of her hand."

"Wait, you're that guy!" a boy with curly black hair said.

"Oh yeah," Tubbo said. "Hi blondie." he said, addressing the girl he had saved.

"Who are these people?" Clarisse demanded, storming over. "Answer me, Jackson."

"Um." green eyes, (Jackson?) said. "We went on a quest?"

Blond hair stepped on his foot.


"He means we went on vacation, and we met a few people. Clarisse, this is Wilbur, Tommy, and Quackity. And we kind of met that guy." she gestured towards Tubbo.

"Hello!" Tubbo said, waving at Clarisse.

"Dang, this kid had mood swings." Grover muttered. "One minute he's mad at her, the next he's saying hello to her."

"You can't go on quests without telling anyone. You're going to get into sooo much trouble for this." Clarisse said.

"Look, we had a good reason." black hair said.

"Shut it, Valdez." Clarisse snapped.

It was this point when Tubbo realized she was using their last names.

"Who are they?" he whispered to Tommy, not wanting to interrupt the argument.

"That's Leo, Annabeth, and Percy." he said. "And why do Annabeth and Leo seem like they know you."

"I saved Annabeth's life." Tubbo shrugged. "They didn't tell you?"


"Hey blondie, why didn't you tell them about me?" Tubbo asked her.

"I, um..." she stopped.

"Well, it doesn't matter. We're all here now, right?" Wilbur said.

"Everyone shut up!" Clarisse roared. "Jackson." she addressed Percy. "Why are you here. Who are these people. Why are you with them." she asked each question as a statement.

"We're here because Rachael gave me a prophecy and I followed it. Each quest has three people, which is why Annabeth and Leo are here. These people are also involved with the prophecy, so they're working with us. Their names are Wilbur, Tommy, Quackity, and Purpled. I don't know the other two."

"This is Tubbo," Tommy said. "And that's Ranboo." he gestured towards the tall enderman hybrid.

"What is it?" Clarisse asked.

"That's kinda rude." Ranboo said. "But you do you, I guess."

"He's my friend." Tubbo said. "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't refer to him as if he was a fucking item."

"Kid's kinda creepy." Leo muttered.

"What is the quest?" Nico asked. He had been so quiet that Tubbo had forgotten he was there.

"We can tell you when we get back to Long Island." Percy said. "Well, we can tell you now, but not her." he looked at Clarisse.

"We have an RV." Clarisse said. "But it can only hold six people. Your 'friends' will have to stay here."

"No." Annabeth said. "They're coming, or none of us are."

"Wait, Tubbo, how did you guys get here?" Tommy asked.

Ranboo laughed nervously.

"Yeah... Long story..." Tubbo said.

"Clarisse, come over here so we can talk." Annabeth said. "I can explain everything, and we can talk about getting back. Wilbur, you come too."

The three of them went off to the side, out of earshot.

"Well, I guess now we just wait." Percy said.

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