Chapter 13: Wilbur

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Purpled was scared. That much was obvious. He hadn't wanted anyone to find out.

I can understand that. Wilbur thought. People would think he was out to kill. And maybe he is.

"Hold on." Tommy said. "He can't be from Hypixel."

Purpled said nothing.

"That's also where you got your name, right Purpled? Before that you were called Grayson, correct?" Wilbur questioned, although he already knew the answer. "You wouldn't want to tell them your real name."

"Fine. You win. I'm from Hypixel. What does it matter?"

"It just gives me some background." Wilbur said. "Now my question is why do you serve as a hired assassin if you want to forget your violent past?"

"You're one to talk about a violent past." Purpled snapped.

Wilbur laughed. "Purpled, I chose violence. You were forced into it."

"I need to make a living somehow. And if I have to kill, I will."

"But you don't have to." Wilbur said softly, his voice laced with honey. "We can find a place for you on the SMP. Snowchester maybe? Or maybe in the dessert with Foolish? Or are you afraid? Why are you afraid, Purpled?"

Purpled looked at the ground. Wilbur smiled. It was so easy to break people.

"Are you afraid people will reject you?" his voice was almost a whisper. "You have trust issues, don't you Purpled."

Purpled bit his lip.

"I would, after living in Hypixel for years. How did you survive, Purpled?"

"I killed. I had to."

"A lot of people have killed, Purpled. No one would blame you for killing if you had to. It was you or them, Purpled. You made the good choice. But you don't have to kill anymore. You don't have to live that life."

Wilbur looked into Purpled's eyes. He didn't see a hardened teenager who killed for a living. He saw a child, scared and alone, only a weapon to keep him company. He saw what Hypixel had done to the child, how it had changed him. Purpled was still a child, a child that pushed his feelings down bellow, because it was the only way to survive. The only way he knew. He couldn't cry, it would be a sign of weakness. And others feasted on weakness. He wasn't weak. If he was weak, he was already dead.

"You don't have to pretend you're okay. No one is okay, Purpled. I'm not okay. Tommy isn't okay. You're not okay. Come back with us, where we can all be terrible people together. Where we can all be not okay together."

Purpled seemed to melt slightly. All the years of being alone weighing down on him. The years of hiding his past, hiding the terrors he'd been through crushing him.

"I don't want to kill." Purpled said quietly. His voice sounded broken.

Wilbur smiled. "Come on, let's wait for Quackity to wake up, then we can go home.

A small smile escaped Purpled's lips.

Then the floor colapsed.

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