Chapter 6 - Tension (Part 1)

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"Okay, thanks for the information." Mac said as he felt uneasy.

"Seriously? You're gonna thank me like that?" Monokuma asked as he felt offended. "Gee you people are hard to please." And just like that he left.

"Guess this room isn't as safe as it seems." Mac said as he looked at the flytrap.

"Yeah, but look on the bright side." Ruby said as she smiled. "I've been meaning to make my dorm room more colorful, so these flowers are sure to help."

"Yeah, that does sound good." Leo said as he left the botanic garden to check out some more rooms.

The next room that Leo found was a recording studio, there were a few instruments, some equipment for sound testing and other tests for when singers want to practice, and a separate room with a microphone, and there was also a big glass window separating the separate room and the rest of the studio, inside the room was Velma.

"Hello Velma." Leo said.

"Greetings Leo." Velma said politely.

"So, I take it this the recording studio?" Leo asked as he looked at Velma.

"Yup, and by the looks of it, I think this is where Monokumama does his daily announcements." Velma said as she looked around.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Leo said as he looked around the studio.

Soon after Leo left, he went to check out some of the other rooms, some other rooms that he found were storage closets, bathrooms and other classrooms, he stopped looking around when he noticed June in the middle of the hallways near a...trashcan?

From how it looked, it looked like she was queasy, or sick. "June? Are you okay?" Leo asked as he went over to June.

"Kind of..." June said in an uneasy mood. "I just didn't so good after what I saw in there."

June pointed her finger to a slightly open classroom door, it wasn't a classroom that he's seen since during his investigations, each floor has two classrooms, but this classroom strangely has three.

When he slightly opened the door, he was horrified of what he saw, it was a messy classroom full of scratch marks, blood stains, scratched up walls, and some drawings that cops use whenever they see a dead body.

The stench alone made Leo feel a little sick. "Oh my...this reeks..." He said as he covered his mouth, trying to not vomit. "What do think could've happen?"

"I don't know to be honest..." June said. "But judging how it looked, I don't think we were the only ones to arrive at this place..."

"Hold on...there were other people here?" Leo asked as he looked at the classroom, while the two of them were unaware that someone in the shadows, was looking at them in hatred.

Sometime after investigations, the others were starting to spend some of their time in some of the new rooms, soon after, it was 3 in the morning, Mac was in his room sleeping, but he woke up after he felt his throat was dry.

He knew that since the water is shut off during curfew, he had to find another way to get a drink, he went out of his dorm to find something to drink, Mac noticed some vending machines near the cafeteria, just like the crane machine from the arcade, they didn't require coins.

So he went to one of the vending machines, typed a few buttons on the machine and got himself a water bottle for him to drink. "This should help with this sore throat..." He said as he opened his water bottle, took a sip and left to go back to his dorm.

But before Mac could arrive at his dorm, he noticed some strange sounds coming from Ruby's dorm, he slowly opened Ruby's dorm to find out what's going on.

He saw Ruby in her bed covered up, sure she was asleep, but Ruby was letting out a few whimpers, it kinda looked like she was having a nightmare of some sort.

She immediately woke up, when she woke up, she had a scared look on her face, she did a few deep breaths as she tried to calm herself down.

"Ruby? Are you alright?" Mac asked as he was concerned for her.

"Mac?" Ruby said as she noticed Mac and tried to do a fake smile. "Oh, no worries, I was just having a bad dream..."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Mac asked as he then sat next to Ruby. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Ruby's fake smile faded as she then started to become sad. "To tell you the truth, I'm usually fine whenever I have like a bad dream or something, cause I know that it isn't real. Sure they can still scare me, but I've been able to get over them." She said sadly. "But, during the current situation we're in..I've never been able to get over some of the dreams I've had..."

Ruby started to sniffle, as tears started to form in her eyes. "I-I've just been so worried about my friends back home...what if something bad happens to them? What if I never see them again? I...I just don't want to lose them..."

Ruby started to let out a few tears and started to sob, Mac felt bad for Ruby, he couldn't imagine how worried she is for her friends, he put his arms around Ruby and gave him a hug.

"Shh, it's okay...nothing is going to happen to them...everything's gonna be okay..." Mac said as he hugged Ruby and tried to calm her down, he also was kind enough to let Ruby cry on his shoulder.

He then thought of something that could possibly calm her down, he took a deep breath and started singing her a lullaby that was once told by someone close to him.

Mac: Hush now my darling
Don't be afraid
Whenever you're hurt
I'll come to your aid

So just close your eyes
And drift off to sleep
When you're resting your head
Just relax and dream

You're not alone
It's gonna be okay
Just close your eyes
Forget the gray
And know you'll be okay
Know you'll be okay

Dry your eyes and dream
Forget all of the pain
Drift off to another world
Where hope will still remain

Whenever you are lost
And you start to feel fear
I'll come and wipe your tears
To show that I am here

You're not alone
It's gonna okay
Just close your eyes
Forget the gray
And know you'll be okay
And know...that you'll be...

After Mac's heartfelt lullaby, Ruby was able to get some peaceful sleep and wasn't feeling sad or scared anymore, Mac felt happy to see Ruby not having a bad dream, or a nightmare, he gently placed her bed's blankets on Ruby and Ruby was now sleeping peacefully.

"Have sweet dreams Ruby." Mac said quietly as he left Ruby to sleep in peace, he left her dorm room quietly and gently shut Ruby's dorm door so that he wouldn't wake her. He went back to his dorm to sleep, while also having his water bottle, just in case if he gets thirsty.

Well...I can't believe I'm gonna say this...but we're almost done with my book! I can't believe I've come this far to finishing it, but don't fret, there will still be some more Danganronpa stuff that I have in store for you, anyways, do you have an idea of who you think our killer's gonna be? Or who our victim's gonna be? Feel free to comment on who you think should be next in line on the death count

New Rooms: Cosmetology Room, Hot Springs, Botanical Garden, Principal's Office (Locked), Recording Studio, along with the Bloody Classroom

Alive: Leo, June, Beast Boy, Mac, Ruby Gloom, Kuki Sanban, Mandy, Tobias & Velma

By the way, the lullaby that Mac sand was a lullaby that I made up after hearing a few songs, it was hard for me to choose a lullaby for Mac to sing so I wrote my own.

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