Chapter 30. S

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There seems to be a permanent smile on my face these days.

Anton and I spent the entirety of Sunday fucking each other. On different surfaces. After we had a short power nap, we switched between using restraints on me and not. Even on Monday morning we fitted in a quickie before I had to leave for work. Which resulted in making me almost come in late. I think Mia wanted to say something to me but thought better of it when she saw my joyous expression. My post-sex face is not as blank as I thought. I couldn't wipe off my soft smile no matter how hard I tried the entire ride to my office. The elevator mirror stared back at me and my cheeks were pink with the memories of the weekend and that morning. I can never get bored of his tongue . . . his cock.

Of him.

It took a couple of days for my body to stop aching. Muscles I haven't used in a year screamed out in protest with every ordinary movement. Especially my thighs and arms. I unconsciously tugged so much on my restraints, my arms muscles are particularly sore.

After knocking on the glass door of Izzy's new shop, I enter. It's Friday, and I walked here, having taken a ride with Bianca, a colleague of mine, to work. Anton is going to come pick me up later and we'll go to his condo.

"Bells?" I call out. Boxes, papers and mannequins are all around the store. Fluorescent LED-lamps lighten the place as no sunlight can shine through the big 'Coming Soon!' banner that's hanging on the storefront.

"In here," she appears from behind the cashier's table, looking stunning as ever. She's wearing a scarf as a top with a tight high waisted skirt. She also has a chain on her waist, accentuating its narrowness and muscles.

"Holy crap, you look hot." I try to whistle but I fail miserably.

"I know." She flicks her brown, wavy hair behind her shoulder with a laugh.

I had to wear long sleeves this week, to hide the faint bruises I have on my wrists. It was torture. Especially in humid Miami. Good thing my office has an AC. I thought the yellow blueish color would bother me, but every time I saw them, I got flashes of what Anton did to me last weekend.

I cross my legs to suppress a growing ache and lean a shoulder on the wall next to Izzy. There's still about an hour left before I meet up with Anton, and I don't want to be uncomfortably wet till then.

Izzy wanted to show me her progress with the boutique. And she also mentioned there's some type of emergency. But with her, I know it's nothing serious.

"Okay, let's go to the back." She says and marches in front of me. I follow her to the break room. Currently, there's only one big rectangular table, a toolbox, a few boxes and a mirror on the wall. She's set to open in about two months and she can't wait till the day comes.

"I need your opinion on some pieces," there are no chairs here, so I cross my arms and wait for her to further explain. "I already drew all the pieces for the Christmas collection. It's lingerie and nighttime clothing." She digs into one of the open carton boxes and pulls out red fabric. "I made a couple of the designs to see how they'll look in real life, and here's where you come in." It's only July, so there's still time, but she explains to me how collections are down half years in advance, sometimes more. And since she's opening a physical store, she wants to be ahead of things.

"Cool, show me." I smile at her. During college, a big chunk of my wardrobe was clothing she made either for an assignment or just because.

She takes off her top, exposing her perky boobs. My smile gets bigger when she pulls down her skirt and undies in one swoop. Isabella is literal perfection. Tall, sexy tan, toned body, long wavy hair—that's now cut to her shoulders—and bright green eyes. I'd go lesbian for her if she wasn't already taken.

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