Chapter 8. S

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I turn my back to him and walk to room number 10. When I enter, the sound of laughter and chatter is loud. I greet everyone who's here and take a seat next to Izzy.

"Guess what happened?" I ask her with a big grin.

"You let a handsome man fuck you in the bathrooms?"

I laugh but shake my head. "I took a picture with Andsew from The Chainsmokers."

She gasps, "Really? How?"

I tell her what happened. "I'm gonna kill Antonio." She mumbles, but her cheeks twitch with a smile.

As if being summoned, the man himself walks through the door. His eyes immediately find mine and his gaze pins me to the couch. He leans forward to open a small wooden box that's on the table and he pulls out a cigar. I watch, mesmerized, as he takes a seat opposite of me and puts the cigar between his soft lips and flicks the zippo on, lighting the bud. Smoke travels from his mouth into the rest of the place.

After he pockets his lighter, he looks up and sees me staring at him. I hold his gaze and his eyes sweep over my body. Slowly. Deliberately. I can't imagine the thoughts that must be going through his mind right now. He's practically eye-fucking me. He's looking at my boobs as if he could see right through my dress. As if he can taste them

I feel my face heat up, but I don't avert my gaze. Time seems to slow down as he takes another puff, and blows out smoke. The corner of his mouth tilts up a tiny bit. Wearing a victorious smile like he's won whatever game we're playing.

"Can I see the pictures?" I hear Izzy's voice from next to me.

"What? Oh, I don't have them. Antonio does."

She narrows her eyes slightly. "Did he put you up to this to make me jealous?"

"No! I swear."

She still doesn't believe me, and we get sucked into another conversation, so she gets no chance to interrogate me further.

I feel Antonio's gaze burning on the side of my face. But I don't give him the satisfaction of facing him.

He thinks he's won. But I'm getting these pics even if it was the last thing I do.

Izzy is now sitting on Luca's lap and I bite the inside of my lip to hide the smile at the idea that I got from them.

I start moving my head to the music. I'm smiling and laughing way louder than I usually do, hoping to get his attention. Pretending to be hot, I grab my hair in both hands like I'm about to put it up in a ponytail, then I fan myself. In the corner of my eyes, I see Tony inch forward in his seat. Izzy and Luca, Mateo and Carina, are busy engaging in different forms of PDA. Flirting and kissing and touching. Nicole has gone dancing a while back. So now it's basically only him and I left in the room, even if there's still other people around.

My eyes roam around the room, taking notice of a rectangle mirror that's hung to the wall on my side. There is a minifridge and an ice maker near him, and I note how fancy these VIP rooms are.

Then I face him.

He's already looking at me. And my eyes look him up and down.

He's not wearing the club's uniform. But a dark blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The tattoos look more mysterious in the dim light of the room. His unshaven jaw is sharp and his hair is long and messy on top of his head.

Remembering how his hair felt when I threaded my fingers through it that time makes me clench my legs.

His eyes flick down to my thighs and he smirks.

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