7|| Attention whore

Start from the beginning


"No buts, I got jewelry with me as well. Go put it on so we could keep going." she shoved my high waisted jeans and pushed me towards the door.

Five minutes later I was back from the batroom with Norah's outfit and they looked at me appreciatively, making me blush as I keep tapping at the waist of it felling as if it was too exposing. "I don't know..."

"I do!" he pink-headed slapped my hands away and brought me in front of the mirror. "You look smooking, girl! Lover Boy's gonna have trouble keeping his hands to himself." my face burned harder, not only because of the name she insisted on using to refeare to Brett, but also because that moment at the library came rushing back to my mind. "See? You're already blushing and-"

"Let her be, damn it." Macy scowled at her, giving me a reasuring squeeze on the shoulder. "You look great, Alyson, really. Anyone with eyes can see that."

"Especially Lover Boy?"

I grimaced at her matter fact tone. "Why would you called him that?"

"Aside from the obvious?" Norah rolled her eyes and I wanted to tell her nothing like this would ever happen between us for the umptemth time, but after what happen last Monday I couldn't be that firm about that.

He make me want him. Even against my best judgement I somehow still wanting him, even if it was only for tiny moments every now and then. How could I felt this burning in my veins just at the thought of him pressed that close to me after all he'd done? I mean, yeah, he was gorgeous, but come on. What did this say about me?

Nothing good, that for sure.


The front door opened and music became way louder, squeezing tighter the painful knod in my guts. I'd been feeling like throwing up ever since we left Granny's in Norah's Jeep. A part of me knew anything could go wrong tonight and that my self-esteem was hanging on a tighrope.

"You made it!" Lydia grinned brightly, hugging me closely, more happy than I thought she would be. "Hunter was teassing me about having made it all out. Hi!" she hugged the girls as well. "I'm Lydia."

"We know." smirked Norah. "It's kinda inevitable if you go our High School."

Lydia's smile faltered a bit, like wondering if that was a compliment or not. "Mm... thank you?"

"Don't mind her." Macy rolled her eyes, lacing one arm with Norah. "She's got a bigmouth but usually mean well."

"Oh, sure." and just like that her good mood awas back in the redheaded's face. "Please come in." Her place was nice, an avarage house politely decorated... or at least I guess. It was hard to tell with so little light and the amound of people occupying it. She guided us to a small room and pointed a pile of clothes. "You can leave the coats there. Yeah."

The moment the cloth was off me and breeze brushed my exposed skin I felt vulnerable. What if they made fun of it? But the look Lydia sent me was anything but mocking.

"Damn Alyson. You fullfiel your part." I blushed remembering her telling me to came up wearing something nice and she'll change the me not being a party person. "This way."

She then guided us to the kitchen, where a group of guys where challenging one another in the counter. I recognized several members of the soccer team. They where extremely happy not only for the party itself but for their massive victory some hours ago. My heart raced in apprehension as I immediately glance around but neither Brett, Jade not Noel where there. I let out an inward sigh of utter relief. Safe for now.

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