Once I dropped off Kathryn at her place, I had 3 hours to prepare for the concert.
Most of that time would most likely be spent arguing with Jessica, because I had forgotten to tell her that I was no longer taking her to the concert. And since Kathryn was the one going in her place, there was no doubt she would be angry.
Luckily, she wouldn't be home for another hour.
So I spent that hour watching the Telly and finishing up some homework.

Once Jessica arrived home, I didn't say anything to her. I just simply gave her a hug and a short peck on the lips.
"How was your day?" I asked her.
"Alright I guess. I mean it could've gone better..." she began.
"Maybe she just forgot about the whole concert entirely..." I thought, "Maybe I don't need to tell her that I'm going with Kathryn..."
"At least we have that concert today." She chimed, "I get to spend the whole night listening with you."

Well shit.

"Well..." I began.
"What is it?" She questioned, "Is the concert not today? I'm pretty sure it is... I made sure not to forget..."
"It- it is today." I answered, "It's just..."
"It's just what?" She asked, "Come on just spit it out Louis."

"Uh... well I'm actually planning on going with someone else to the concert, Jess." I told her.

"Oh... ok." She stated. I saw saw her face fall at the news.
"Who are you going with then?"

"Kathryn." I replied.

And then her expression completely changed.
There was anger, and disgust drawn into her features.

"You can't be serious, Lou.
You're going with Kathryn?!" She spat, "You know I hate Kathryn! Why her?! Why are you going with her and not me?!"

This was exactly what I expected from her.

"It- it's for our project. We're supposed to go to a concert for our music class." I explained, "I would go with you, but we need this for our project."
She scoffed, as if she didn't believe me.

Why would I lie to her?

"Whatever. I hope you two have fun then!" She said sarcastically,
"I'll just go back to Marcus'!"

"Who the fuck is Marcus?" I questioned.
She didn't say anything and she stormed into our room.
She came out again with her phone charger, giving me a death glare as she walked past me.
"Jess, I don't leave for another two hours-"
"Then spend those two hours getting ready for your bloody concert!" She yelled,
"Bye Louis!"
She slammed the door in my face, but I immediately opened it after and went outside with her.
She was stood outside with her phone to her ear.
She impatiently tapped her foot against the pavement as she waited for who I assumed to be Marcus to pick up.
"Kathryn, you're being ridiculous." I stated, crossing my arms.
She avoided my gaze and began to speak into the phone.
"Hello? Marcus? Can you come pick me up? Louis is being a dick right now and I don't want to-"
I snatched the phone from her hands and brought it up to my own ear.
"Yeah mate I suggest you don't do that. Jess is fine, thanks for your concern." I interrupted, then ending the call.

"Louis what the fuck!" Jessica shouted, "Give me my phone!"
I put it in my back pocket and grabbed Her by the shoulders.
"You can't just leave if you don't like something, Jess." I remarked.
"Well I did that last weekend so, I can do it again!" She resisted, "Give me my bloody phone!"
She reached behind me to grab it, but I took it out of my pocket just before she did.
It began to vibrate in my hand again, and so I answered it.
"Jessica are you ok?" An Irish accent asked through the phone.
"Who the hell is this?" I questioned.
I managed to keep Jessica away from me as the stranger answered, "This is Marcus."
"Oh well then Marcus, I assure you Jessica is just fine. So if you could fuck off mate that'd be great." I sneered.
"Give me my fucking phone!" Jessica screamed.
I hung up the phone on him again and still managed to keep it away from Jessica.
"Calm down babe, you're causing a scene." I told her.
People were indeed staring at us as Jessica screamed for her phone.
"I don't care Louis! I just want to get the hell away from you right now!" She yelled, "I can't believe you're going with Kathryn! You know how much I hate her!"
She was acting like a 3 year old.
"It's for a project Jess!" I reminded her, "A bloody project!"

"What's so bad about me going to hang out with Marcus? I'm going to be all alone tonight if I don't go." she began, "Maybe I could hang out with Zoe instead..."
She them succeeded to take her phone from me.
Jessica staying with that sorority would be the worst thing imaginable...
I grabbed the phone in her hand as she kept her grip tight and I then began to tug it out of her grasp.
"Stop Louis you're going to break it!" She yelled.
Her grip began to loosen, as did mine, and then it fell face down on the pavement.

"No!" Jessica shrieked.
She picked it up hurriedly.
"Bloody hell... thanks a lot Louis. Looks like I'm not going anywhere now." She sneered, the now broken phone in her hands.
"I'll buy you a new one... somehow... okay I'm sorry." I told her.
She didn't say anything as she threw the phone back down to the cement, angrily stomping back into our apartment.
I picked it up, and tried turning it on, but it was completely busted.
I had no clue how I was going to buy her a new iPhone 6. But that was the least of my problems.
There was a white pickup parked in front of our flat.
The window was rolled down and inside the car was a guy with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He looked at me with a smirk on his face.
"Marcus!" Jessica exclaimed from behind me.
"What? No- Jess..." I started.

"Fuck off mate I assure you she'll be just fine!" Marcus said in a shitty English accent as he sped away, with Jessica now in his car.

{hiiiiiii so here's this. sorry it's up a little late I was feeling really sick yesterday and this morning so I couldn't really focus on writing. I totally could've made this longer but i didn't cuz I thought that was a good ending. Jessica is such a bitch omg. Ok ily if u read this byee}

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