Chapter 18 - A Gift?

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Hours seem to pass and still no sign of Heisenberg, I begin to worry a little.

"Maybe he was hurt by those Lycans Duke warned me about? No, that's ridiculous, the man is powerful." I say out loud well pacing around the kitchen floor.

All of a sudden I hear the sound of doors opening, I turn to see him walking into the room. He looks extremely angry and ready to burst, I back up a little before tripping over a blanket on the floor. I fell onto my ass and managed to hurt my hand at the same time. I held my hand clearly in pain but all Im ment with is anger.


"I went on a walk, I needed to get out of this place." I look down at my hurt wrist.

"YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED." Heisenberg yells at me as I stand up to face him.

"I can handle myself, thank you very much. I'm not some child who needs you." I glared at him.

"DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, YOU WILL REGRET IT." I look around me and notice how the metal objects around the room begin to float around me.

"What are you doing?" I stare at him expressing how scared he is making me but that doesn't seem to phase him. I try to back up slowly but I'm pushed forward towards Heisenberg by metal, I stood in front of him scared shitless.

"You shouldn't have left the factory without me...Moron." His tone has softened as I'm pulled forward into his arms and I stand there in confusion as to what just happened.

"You are a very confusing person Karl." I look up to him and Im ment with his stupid smile.

"I'm sorry my dear for yelling, If it makes you feel better I brought you a gift." I watch as we pull apart and he pulls out a small wooden box from his coat pocket. I watch as he opens the box to reveal a small sliver necklace with a yellow gem dangling from it.

"I got you this, may I help put it on?" I nod my head in approval. I hold my hair above my head for him. I can feel the cold metal touch my skin as he places the chain around my neck.


"Thank you" I looked down to the gem sitting around my neck, it was yellow quarts and surprisingly big, it shines as the light hits it. I look up at Heisenberg and he begins to speak.

"When I was looking for you I made a stop to see if Duke had seen you, he said you had stopped by but had to head back to the factory. He had mentioned how he had some pretty cool jewels laying around his wagon. I saw this one and thought it would look nice on you so he made me a necklace."

"Well thank you very much for this sweet gift." I give him a hug and he squeezes me back.

"Next time if you really wanna leave the factory we will go together...ok?"

"That's fair I guess, thank you." 

We make our way back to the couch and I rest my head on his chest, I can feel his hand playing with my hair as I slowly drift asleep.

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