Chapter 15 - Control

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Heisenberg walks over to me. I take a step back in fear of possibly hurting him. To my surprise though he offers me his hand. I take his hand and get dragged back to his workshop.

Once we are back in his shop I wander over to where he is working and hop onto the metal table next to him. I was watching as he staples the flesh of his creation together.

"Why the staples? Why not just sew it?"

"The staples hold the skin together better. A simple needle and thread would also take way too long."

Heisenberg drops the stapler on the table next to his creation and walks over to a metal bench, its covered in scrap metal and some diagrams for what looks like a type of headpiece. I watch as the metal objects around the room begin to float and fuse together to create what was drawn in Heisenberg's plan. I watch as He slowly screws the headpiece to the area around the eyes. I notice how the screws go deep into the skull.

"What is the point of the headpiece?"

"It makes it so I can control them." Heisenberg answers, as he continues to screw the final part into place.

"That prick, he was the one controlling that thing all along." I think to myself. I start to feel rage within me. I ended up throwing a nearby wrench at Heisenberg. It hit him right on the back of his shoulder, I watch as he stands up and turns to look at me.

"What the fuck was that for?"

"You're such a liar." I yell at him hopping off the table to stand in front of him. He towers over me but that won't scare me this time.

"You were responsible for that thing attacking me. I could have been killed by that thing."

"But you didn't get hurt. Did you" Heisenberg takes a step back, he reaches for one of his cigars, I watch as he lights it.

"I needed to test you. To see if you're the real deal. To see if she was right about you and from what I've seen, your power could help with my plans to kill that bitch."

"What makes you think I want to help you now after that stunt you pulled?"

"I mean you don't really have a choice, if you have forgotten you're stuck here princess."

"I could leave if I wanted too."

"The other lords would hunt you down and kill you. You're Miranda's strongest...even she sees you as a threat."

His comment makes me freeze. What does he mean by I'm the strongest. My head starts to fill with questions.

"I was supposed to kill you once we got back to the factory, but I couldn't bring myself to it. You were innocent in this. Just as I was."

He pauses and looks at me.

"This isn't the right place to tell you, let's go back upstairs. to the living room."

Without giving a response Heisenberg starts down the hall to the elevator I follow close behind. We both get into the elevator and arrive on the main floor, from here we walk over to the couch. I sit down beside him and I watch as he grabs one of my hands. I look up at him and can see how deep in thought he is.

"So my dear, I think it's about time I tell you the truth about myself." 

(Sorry for the late upload guys major writers block has been cursed upon me...RIP. I hope to be posting daily chapters :)

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