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Dad has been weirdly happy, I know that he's having another child but it's still strange to see. He's less distant and Mom seems to be enjoying the behavior change as well. Bambam and I are sitting on the sofa eating breakfast today watching the news

"So how do you feel? About the baby I mean, unless there's something else? Bambam questioned

"I don't know, I guess it's just weird" I replied putting my hand on my forehead

"No there's something else you're not telling me" he stated nudging me

I rolled my eyes in response then got up grabbing my school bag

After I cleaned my teeth I walked out the door. My mind is still racing after what happened at the diner, no matter what I did to try not to think about it. It was still always there

On the way to school, I tried to focus my mind on the breeze, it causing leaves to fall off different colors in the Autumn and the sweet sound of the birds chirping at the slight rays of sunlight.

The sky is tinted grey and clouds hang over me, slight drops of rain fell over clouding the sun. I pulled my blazer tighter around my body wishing I brought my coat or at least an umbrella

Just before I got to school it started to pour rain like the clouds were closing in me to make my day horrible. I don't understand how people like the rain, for one it makes you freezing but also you end up with wet hair, clothes and your makeup ruined

When I walked into school my hair is stuck to my face and my mascara is running down my face. Not to mention that my clothes are so wet they are practically glued to me, then the first person I see when I walk in is Jennie. She was caught in the rain as well but her makeup is perfect and her hair slightly wet, her clothes are not so wet that they are sticking to her

I walked past her and could hear her snicker slightly at my appearance

At lunch, I went over to my locker to put in some books that I no longer need. When I opened it up a note came out, it is on pink paper with a heart drawn on the front. I opened up the folded piece of paper

'You look cute' - Jennie

I almost dropped the note. Looking around I saw Jennie enter the girl's locker room coming back from a cheer practice they have lunch because of the upcoming game

Without thinking I stormed over to the locker room and went in. She is the only person in there which meant she was probably late from making out with her boyfriend

Her hair is up in a slightly messy ponytail with two blonde strands framing her face at the front

"Why are you messing with me?!" My question turned more into a statement with the level of my voice booming off the walls and lockers that surround us

"What do you mean?" She retorted looking down at her nails

"This!" I said holding up the note

"Well it's true" she responded coming closer to me so my body froze. Jennie reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear

W-What are you doing?" I asked suddenly nervous

Her lips brushed my cheek in a chaste sort of kissing them she walked out like the time in the diner

The butterflies wouldn't settle in my stomach no matter what I tried to do nor would my huge smile. I walked out of the room still feeling my crimson blush that held a place on my cheeks

It's my last lesson of the day and I have chemistry with Jennie

I sat down on my chair and waited as the class filled the room. Jennie came into the room and smiled instantly as she saw me.

All of the lesson she glanced at me occasionally or sat so our legs touched. Which caused the flutters to go crazy in my stomach and my breath hitched quite a few times

Luckily on the way home, it didn't rain but it was still gloomy and grey

I walked into my house and could hear my Dad shouting down his phone at one contact. Instead of listening I ignored him and went to my room

I got out the diary that I have not written in since I was trying to figure out my sexuality, looking through the pages I realized how much it helped

Flipping to a new page I wrote down the contents of the day and all my questions about Jennie, also anything I've been worried about. It turned out to be relaxing then I hid it again under my mattress where I know no one will find it

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