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!! smut !!

You walked into science class, setting your bag down on the floor. Eren fixed his gaze on you immediately. "that's her," he thought to himself. You looked around the room, noticing he was in the same science class as you. Oh shit- he was staring at me.

Mrs. Zoë clapped her hands together, which brought the class's attention. "Hello class! Today I decided we will be doing a project about this weeks lesson. Yeah, doing a project seems boring, but you will have partners for the project! I think this will all bring you together and not distanced for once! Now go find your partners, and start to plan on what you guys will do!" People started gathering together, as you were left alone. You raised your hand. "Mrs. Zoë, what if we don't have a partner?"

She crossed her arms, "Raise your hands if you don't have a partner!" Two hands rose in the air. You looked over to see the two people. Eren sat, raising his hand, staring back at you. The other person was Floch. Floch was your ex back in high school, you really didn't like talking about it with others. "I'll go with Eren." You said quickly. He widened his eyes a bit to your response. "Okay! It's settled. Now Mr. Floch, you'll just have to work by yourself, or with another group."

You came over and sat next to Eren. He went close to your face as he put a strand of hair behind your ear, "So you pick me?" You rolled your eyes at him as you took his hand from your face and lowered it down. "Yeah I did, are you happy about that?" "Yes, I am very happy", he said grinning. "Since I said you were cute last night, does that mean you like me back?" You furrowed your brows at him, "No Yeager." He made a pouty face at you, trying to make you feel bad. "Let me get your number." You spoke. He tilted his head towards you, "Oh yeah?" You scoffed as you backed away from him, "Not like that, now let's talk about this project."

You plopped on your bed, spreading your arms. "Annie, I have company over in like 5 minutes." You spoke to her, "Who?" She asked. "Eren. For a project." She winked over at you, "Are you sure for just a project?" You slapped your forehead, "Oh my gosh Annie, shut the fuck up." She laughed as she nodded, "It's fine, I have to go to Sasha's dorm to do that project too."

You got up as you changed into something more comfortable. You wore shorts, and a big shirt. "Not dressing up for him?" Annie said opening the door. "Annie. I swear to god-" "I'm just kidding! Have fun." She exited the dorm, as you fiddled with your fingers, waiting for Eren to knock. Soon, a knock was heard.

You opened the door, as he stood with his hands in his pockets. He was wearing grey sweats, along with a white t-shirt. He had a gold chain around his neck, and his hair was tied back.

"Hey." He spoke above you. "Hey." You closed the door and locked it as you both sat together on your bed. "So I already have most of this planned out. I think it would be good if we put this on a poster, ya know? And we could print off pictures and texts to put it on it?"

"Yeah, sounds nice." He said looking around the room. You groaned, "Eren. We have to get a good grade on this. This needs your participation too." You and Eren went on your laptops, researching stuff. "This is getting boring, wanna talk or do something else?" He asked. "Okay, I am getting a little bored." You closed you laptop, as he looked over at you. "What?"

"What's your name?"

He gazed at your body and you. "Y/n. Why?" "Just wondering, that's it." He chuckled, "I mean, I did call you cute." You sighed, "That's all you talk about. We get it, you called me cute." "Can't you see I'm asking for something?" "What?" He leaned closer to your face, where their faces were centimeters apart. You relaxed your eyes, as you put your hand on his face. This made Eren startled, he slowly closed his eyes, as you both gaped your mouth open. You stopped, as he opened his eyes to see you. "Sorry. Not getting that kiss." You pull away, knowing you did your part. He nodded, folding his arms on his chest, "Funny one, Y/n." You saw the frustration on his face. "Yeah, we been knowing." You say smirking over at him. He looked a little upset about the fact that you rejected the kiss. "Will this cheer you up?" You said. "Huh?"

You sat yourself on his lap, as you silently chuckled, waiting for him to respond. He didn't say anything. You started to move your hips side to side on his lap, soon feeling his cock grow under you. The more you did that, the more tension there was in the room. He gripped your waist, watching you grind against him. The plan was to make him sexually frustrated, but you were having too much fun. You started to like the feeling so much, that you didn't stop. You held onto Eren's thighs, as he guided you. You could hear Eren's breath go into an unsteady pattern, pleased by what you were doing to him. You started grinding rougher, as you accidentally let out a loud moan.


He got turned on from hearing you moan for the first time.

One of his hands travelled to your neck, delicately gripping it. He brought your face to his as he whispered in your ear, "You little whore, I knew this was how you really acted." You smiled as you forced yourself off him. He stared up at you staring at him, worn out on your bed. His bun was looser than before, his eyes looked lazy, and his pants showed his print.

"That's all you get."

He smirked as he got his laptop. He stood up, now towering over you,

"Just wait until we meet again."

just say yes (eren yeager)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang