Sweet Pea, she/her

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I almost never cry.

Crying in front of my mom, having her tell me all the reasons she's been extra mean to me lately has me now dealing with an aftermath of a headache.

The argument started when she thought I'd rolled my eyes at her. I hadn't.

It was like the Salem Witch Trials. 

"You rolled your eyes at me."

"But I didn't!"

"But you did and now you need to pay for it."

"How am I supposed to oblige to pay for something I never did?"

All the things she said to me over the past year or two have led up to this pent up anger I've had towards her. All the feelings I have towards myself have, too.

I hate myself. And I'm so unsure of what's coming. So much is happening and my brain feels like it's going to explode.

I can't see the keys on the keyboard very well, my eyes are blurred.

I like to look up the Bible verse of the day. It could not have had better timing. 2 Corinthians 9:8; "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

Everything she said is true. I'm awful. I don't know who I've become. It's like something has possessed me inside and out, like I've become a monster.

This headache is splitting, genuinely. It hurts.

Maybe the monster's trying to get out. Maybe I'll finally be free of the demon.

God, please take away the demon. I don't want to hurt my family anymore.

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