Chapter 19: Day II (Formulation)

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Washington, DC

Oakwood Apartments

December 19th, 2015

0955 hours

(Author's Note: non-canon details imminent... then again, this is Wattpad, so you shouldn't really be surprised.)


"And that, everyone, is how it's gonna go down!" I finished before taking another bite of my biscuit while gesturing with my left hand.

I had just explained the little plan that Jawa, Mike, and I concocted. Everyone else sat around the table with a variety of expressions. Mike and Jawa were nodding along in silent support; Chip, Catherine, and Alexander were exchanging excited grins; Cyrus seemed bored; and Ben was quiet, maintaining a countenance of indifference.

"A very interesting concept," Catherine said as she sipped her tea. "I think it will certainly brighten the whole experience of this little vacation."

"I suppose it's feasible," Cyrus sighed. Of course Mr. Grinch would be reluctant.

I mean, I supposed he would rather spend time with just his family, but we had bigger problems for the time being!

"Just one caveat: everyone's gotta turn off their spy skills so as to not ruin any surprises," Alexander added.

'Gee, I wonder who that applies to,' I thought sarcastically.

'None other than Erica Hale,' a little voice replied suddenly.

'Wait, who are you?' I asked, confused.

'I'm basically an imaginary clone of you that serves as a mental sounding board. The author put me here for the sake of humor.'


'Be honest: everything that's occurred in your life sounds like something out of a teen/young adult novel, yes?'

'I mean...'

'That or a crazy fanfiction. Heck, the life you're living right now sounds like a fanfic written by some idiot with too much time on their hands. Or maybe even a sitcom... Anyways, Erica has to get involved too, no matter how hesitant she is!'

Speak of the devil—she-devil?—Erica just opened the door and stepped inside, looking peeved, although I can't imagine what got her panties in a twist.

"Hello, Erica dear! Did you have a nice walk?" Catherine asked pleasantly. Always the ray of sunshine, this lady.

"Oh, and there's some pancakes, biscuits, and eggs in the kitchen if you want 'em," Alexander added as he sipped his coffee.

I honestly can't believe that, for a former moron of a CIA officer, he's one helluva cook. This man should open up his own restaurant when he retires, for goodness' sake!

"I'm good, Dad. Thanks," she replied quickly, sitting between Cyrus and Catherine.

"Hey, Erica? You've got something on your lip," Ben said, pointing at a brown smudge on the left corner of her mouth. Was that... chocolate?

"Someone's been having fun," I muttered under my breath, too quiet for anyone to hear.

"Nuts!" she cursed, hastily wiping her mouth. "Er... thanks, Ben." Interestingly, she seemed almost embarrassed that Ben caught that little detail.

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