Chapter 18: Day II (Ideas)

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Washington, DC

Oakwood Apartments

December 19th, 2015

0700 hours

Alexander POV

After a very peaceful night of sleep, I opened my eyes to the sight of my lovely girlfriend next to me, fast asleep and still nuzzling my neck. I smiled as I ran my fingers through her mussed up brown hair.

'How did I let her go?' I wondered.

'It's called a divorce, pal,' my brain replied.

'Ah, shaddup.'

'You must admit, it's quite funny how your girlfriend is technically your ex-wife as well.'

'Ain't that the truth.'

Since Catherine looked so adorable while she slept, I decided to handle breakfast while she was. Unfortunately, there was one little problem: her arms had me in a deathgrip.

This woman never ceases to amaze me. Not only is she ridiculously soft and cuddly, she is also a badass with sniping and spying skills rivaled by few. Furthermore, while she isn't as strong as me physically (for example, I can bench-press and deadlift a bit more than her), her grip is somehow stronger than steel. Go figure.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't bring myself to be irritated with her. So instead, I decided to have some fun with her.

"Catherine?" I whispered into her ear, eliciting a shudder from her.

"Oh, Cathy?" Another shiver, with her grip growing tighter.

"Oh my sweet little Kitty Cat..."

"Alex," she groaned softly.

"Time to wake up," I told her in a sing-song voice.

"Nooooo," she moaned quietly.

"Time to wake uuuuuup!"

"No, Aleeeeex."

"But I'm hungry!"

"I'm sleeeeeepy," she whined.

'Oh well. Desperate times, desperate measures,' I thought with a sigh.

"How about this, then? How about I shove you against the wall and kiss you until your lungs are screaming for oxygen, then? Do you want to sleep now?" I growled.

Faster than a speeding bullet, her eyes shot open and her cheeks flushed red at my innuendo.

"You what?" she squeaked out.

"Nothing, my dear. Good morning, Kitten," I said as I pecked her nose. "Would you kindly release me from your arms? As much as I enjoy it... we have to get to work."

"M-morning, Alex," she stuttered as she hastily untangled her arms from around me. She then scrambled out of bed to change out of her nightie into some clean pants and a shirt.

"Uhhh, is that my shirt?" I asked teasingly.

She stiffened, only just realizing that the shirt she was wearing was significantly larger than her.

"... No?" she replied shyly.

"Whatever you say, Cathy. Although, I must say, you do look pretty cute in that."

Chuckling and reveling in her bashfulness (still, after all these years, it's nice to know only I have that effect on her), I followed her example, putting on my own shirt and pants. After we brushed our teeth in the adjacent bathroom, I looked at the list I kept on my bedside table. Unless we were eating out the entire time (which we weren't, especially since restaurants would be closed for the holidays), we needed to stock up on groceries. I added a few items before handing it to Cath.

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