Prologue: The Death of Jaune Arc

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The land of darkness.

To many it is is an inhospitable place due to the abundant number of Grimm. However, only a few knew the reasons why there was more Grimm there than any other place in Remnant.

The Grimm pools. 

This was where the Grimm came from. With a constant supply of Grimm, it makes the continent nearly uninhabitable.

Soon, a Beowulf emerges from the Grimm pools.

Although few know what comes from the Grimm pools, even fewer know what happens when you fall in.

Today, another would learn this secret first-hand.

Jaune Arc is shown near a Grimm Pool. He sports his usual Pumpkin Pete's hoodie, blue jeans, and sneakers. However, he lacks his armor. The only thing he has to defend himself is a metal bat.

He is surrounded by Beowulves. With the pack, there is one Alpha.

"C'mon, you bastards!" Jaune shouted.

Jaune imbues his bat with aura.

A Beowulf lunges at him, only for Jaune to deliver an aura-infused swing that takes off the Beowulf's head.

Another Beowulf tries to swipe at Jaune, only for him to duck. He swings his bat low, knocking the Beowulf off its feet. He quickly bashes the Beowulf's head until it's gone.

Jaune breathes heavily.

The Alpha howls.

Soon, all of the Beowulves rush Jaune. He uses his bat to guard, but they overwhelm him. Soon, their combined force causes Jaune to stumble and fall into the Grimm pool.

As he is submerged in the Grimm pool, his eyes open wide.

He screams in pain, the sound muffled by the liquid getting into his mouth. Soon, it is burning his body inside and out.

However, his body starts shining with a bright white light.

His body is no longer being destroyed, but he can still feel the pain of the liquid.

Amidst the pain, he starts to remember his life.

He told his transcripts to his team and friends, only for them to shun and abandon him.

To make matters worse, they told the students and professors.

His torment was increased. The students made his life even worse, while most of the professors only gave him more difficulties.

Then, he was presented with an opportunity. Let those who abandoned him suffer or save them. He chose the latter, even going so far as to receive a beating from the one who tried to harm his "friends."

Then, another opportunity came when a big Ursa came. His aggressor's team abandoned their leader, leaving him at the mercy of the Ursa. Jaune stepped in and saved him. However, instead of being grateful, Jaune's aggressor lied about what happened.

With time, news of his fake transcripts reached all of Remnant.

It didn't matter if it was the streets of Vale or the grounds of Beacon. He couldn't show his face without many showing their contempt to him. He was only safe indoors among a few that would accept him.

His family found out what he did and was furious. They called him a disgrace. They went as far as to disown him and take back Crocea Mors.

Later on, Ozpin, under orders from the Vale Council, expelled him.

Nowhere to go. No one to turn to. He was alone. He decided to travel to figure out what he wanted to do with his life.

At this point, Jaune wasn't sad. No. He was angry.

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